10 Reasons Why Colorado is a Thru-Hiker’s Paradise
As a former thru-hiker living in Colorado, I can’t imagine living anywhere else. Here are 10 reasons why colorful Colorado is a thru-hikers paradise…
Ever since the mid 90’s, craft breweries have been popping up around the state at a rapid rate. I’m 20 years old and cannot yet drink, but word on the street is that many of these breweries make damn good beer. Notable breweries include Great Divide, Left Hand Brewing, New Belgium, and Upslope.
If you’re a city person, you’ll be able to find paradise in front range cities like Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder, and Fort Collins.
3. Mountain Towns
If you’re a mountain person, you’ll be able to find paradise in towns like Breckenridge, Vail, Durango, and Buena Vista, among many others.
As a life long suffering South Florida sports fan, it has been refreshing to live somewhere where people actually enjoy their sports teams.
Just to name a few: Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowshoeing, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Hiking, Running, Rafting, and Biking.
Colorado is such a paradise that it is home to 2 amazing long distance hiking trails. The Colorado Trail runs 500 miles from Denver to Durango. The Continental Divide Trail passes through the state from the New Mexico border to Wyoming.
7. 14ers
These 53 peaks are the tallest and most glorious peaks in the country. Good luck breathing on top of one.
8. Other thru-hikers
Colorado is a thru-hiker mecca. On the top of my head, I can think of at least 15 thru-hikers that live within an hour of me.
9. Sunshine
Sunshine = Happiness. Colorado gets 300 days of sunshine a year, more than any other state.
10. Legal Weed
Although I do not partake as it is illegal recreationally for people under 21, I feel like I have to include the legalization of weed when talking about Colorado. If you’re into weed, like many thru-hikers I experienced on the trail were, then Colorado is the place to be.
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Comments 1
Colorado is number 1 on my places to live. Moving there this fall can’t wait. tinasioutdoor.weebly.com