1st Woman to Attempt the Border to Border CYTC

Back in 2023 while I was finishing up the Eastern Continental Trail I was already thinking about the next adventure. I remember daydreaming about all sorts of things. Allowing my mind to truly go wherever it wanted to. And for some reason I started thinking about the Calendar Year Triple Crown. At the time I was in Florida hiking along the Florida trail. I was over 5000 miles into a walk across the country. And even still, the thought of completing a hike like the calendar year triple crown seemed like an impossible and daunting task.

At the time I remember doing a bit of research about who had completed the calendar year triple crown. I realized that only a couple women had completed it as well. Then, for some reason, I started to wonder about the “border to border calendar your triple crown“. A hike that only one other hiker has ever completed. In 2022 when I was hiking the Pacific crest Trail I remember hearing about Proffesor Carl. He was attempting the border to border calendar year triple crown, and became the first person to do so. That meant starting down in Key West and connecting your footsteps all the way up to the border past Katahdin. Then you would go over to the Pacific Crest Trail and then the continental divide Trail.

Spending a bit more time in Philly before the next adventure.

I think at the time I was trying to imagine a thru hike which I really was not sure I could complete. Some unimaginable task. That’s the magic of daydreaming, you can think about whatever you want. But then I just kept daydreaming about it. Even well after the eastern continental trail ended. And then I went home and began preparing for the next hike. In the more present future, I had already been planning on doing the continental divide trail in 2024. This would be the completion of my triple crown and would only take four or five months. I made plans to complete that in 2024. But over the course of the entire year, from the end of the ECT, through all of my time in Philadelphia afterwards, then even when I got onto the CDT, the thought remained in my mind. My daydream about the border to border calendar year triple crown could not be shaken. And after I spent more time thinking about it, I just decided that I was going to give it a try. 2025 seemed like the perfect year and I had no plans.

When I’m not on trail I spend my time waitressing and doing the stair stepper to stay in shape.

I didn’t put too much pressure on myself to make any concrete plans over the course of the CDT. Instead, I just loosely kept it in my mind as the next adventure. As I got further into the current thru hike, I had to make some logistical plans though. I was coordinating with different companies which I will be partnering with in 2025 on the CYTC. That definitely was a lot of work to do while simultaneously finishing the CDT. As well as making daily blogs and videos. But by the time I finished the continental divide trail, everything had basically been set into motion. I knew I would be embarking on the border to border calendar year triple crown starting January 1st in Key West, Florida. When I complete the trail I’ll be the first woman to ever do so.

I’m more than excited to be undertaking the hardest thru hike of my life.

Eating as much delicious fresh food as I can before it’s back to trail food.

I’ll never know why I began daydreaming about the calendar year triple crown while I was fording through swamps in Florida. But I’m sure glad that I did. Once I finished up the CDT about 5 weeks ago I headed home briefly. Then flew to Philadelphia to work as much as I could. I basically had zero down time as I went into crunch mode. Now I’m in the final stages of preparing to set out in 2025. And I’m so excited to bring everyone along with me, as I continue to blog for the trek and make videos over the course of the year. You can find my videos on Instagram and YouTube @madisonblagden.

After finishing the CDT I headed to Philly to go back to the #1 Irish bar in the country. McGillins!

Thank you so much to the many companies which will be making my big dreams a reality next year. I’m so excited to be working with The Trek, Mountain House, and Topo shoes next year. As well as the many amazing companies which are gearing me up for the hike! Thank you Montbell, Palante, Zpacks, Darn tough, Toaks, CNOC, thermarest, Sambob, Katabatic, Gossamer Gear, Dirty Girl Gaiters, and Royal Robins!

I’m absolutely crazy about this custom Sambob alpha 90 set. The colors are amazing. This will be my base layer set to start the trek!

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Comments 23

  • Carole Hall : Dec 25th

    Wow! What a nice surprise. I wish you all the best on this big adventure.

  • Susie Camenzind : Dec 25th

    I’m proud of you! And I’m so excited for you! What an amazing plan! I discovered The Trek in the middle of last year when you were hiking the Appalachian Trail. I subscribed to your blog along with some others. What luck! It has been so much fun reading your adventures. You can handle anything that comes your way.

  • Tom Sawyer 78 : Dec 25th

    Looking forward to following your trek..

  • Leah Love : Dec 25th

    Woohoo!! What an awesome Christmas present! Cheers to your next adventure. Thanks for taking us along! 🎄🏕️✨

  • Christopher Grant : Dec 26th

    That stairclimber looks scarier then the mountains you climb

  • Jamie : Dec 26th

    What a nice Christmas gift… I can’t wait until you start. You’re an excellent writer and your blog is the absolute best!

  • Dan D : Dec 26th

    I hope our accumulated combined pack weight does not burden you too greatly. We are certainly thankful for the opportunity to ride along with you on this journey. Lfg!

  • Ronald Mittelman : Dec 26th

    Yes….no real down time. You are amazing. Looking forward to following your adventure again starting next week.!! Wow. Thank you. Wishing you all good things on the trail.


  • GaryP : Dec 26th

    I look forward to following your next journey. Thanks for taking us along.

  • Christy : Dec 26th

    Just curious. Does she have sponsors to support this? I don’t think she’s can work while doing these hikes.

    • Feral Cat : Dec 26th

      If only the blog post addressed this…

  • bob : Dec 26th

    you are amazing!
    will you have any companions going with you?

  • Robert : Dec 26th

    Well i wish her well. I’m encouraged that she goes big and not stay home.i hope her love for this border to border hike, is part of who she is, not accomplishing a successful hike because she is a woman. I hate that in people.Just do it and if you succeed the results speak for itself.
    I want to do long hikes, like across country without support or help. Just me and God, and the people I meet.so much fun that way.be safe

  • Richard Warner : Dec 26th

    So glad to hear you’re hiking again at 74 I know I won’t be doing what you are but it is fun to follow you stay safe and enjoy

  • Gingerbreadman : Dec 26th

    Oh my BOGSLOG! poor Arizona-Utah-Idaho trail that no one has pioneered yet! Then there’s Europe, Aus-trail-ia, Zea-Newland, Caribbean Islands trail, S.American Andes, & of course Africa Cape to Cairo that one guy did. I should have done the ones I never got to! Well, enjoy hiking your own hike. Maybe you’ll cross the Glacier trail & prairie trail still being built.

  • Lin : Dec 26th

    Can’t wait to join another Peg Leg adventure. This will be amazing. This puts a whole different picture on following your dreams. Go Peg Go ❤️

  • scoot : Dec 26th

    Awesome, thank you for taking journey. I was wondering what was next

  • Austin : Dec 27th

    So awesome! So many questions! What’s the plan? Nobo AT, and then??? Reading your blog, I’m always curious about the minutiae: what do you eat on trail (besides snacks and knorr packs), what’s your sleeping pad (thermarest?), what mileage do you get on your boots?, how does the ambition of your plan jive with your frequent preference for finding/keeping tramilies together?

    But most of all, love your blog and can’t wait for your adventure to begin!

  • Jo Anne Reinhard : Dec 27th

    Looking forward to reading about your newest hike. Happy Holidays!

  • Dave Cooper : Dec 29th

    Maybe she could sponsored by Energizer

  • Ben : Jan 3rd

    So, another young person who does no work and lets others support her fun and enjoyment. Everyone praising her cause she’s a purty little thing.

    • Peg leg : Jan 3rd

      All I do when I’m not hiking is work. Much more than 40 hours a week. Just to save money for these adventures. Then I spend the rest of my life being cheap and minimal and avoiding debt to save money.

  • MayorKepp : Jan 3rd

    You’re the only hiking blog I read so this is good news. Started reading when you hit pinhoti. I’m sure you’ll do great it seems like your tramily is solid and supportive and that has to be a plus.


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