2024-04-14 Day 1 Oia to Baiona

Finally walking!

My apologies, WordPress ate my draft (or I just didn’t do it right).

Writing on the road is tough, in Spain the restaurant don’t open until 8, and it’s well past hiker midnight by the time dinner is done. So here goes the first day again.

The small village of Oia is left behind as we hit the route along the coast. Initially back roads, trail and some road walking.

We are in the routine of packing bags, drop off by 8:00, have breakfast at the hotel, walk about 2-3 hours, stopping for a coffee if available. Try to have a lunch stop. Arrive at the next hotel between 3-5PM, take a shower, change, take a nap or stretch, the dinner at 8, which is too close to hiker midnight. Then repeat.

Oia is nice little village on the coast, only two places to eat, but the seafood is fabulous. The prices are a bit higher, being there is little choice.

About ⅔ of the way, the trail swings NE to a trail that was an old roman road up over a pass. The stones are worn from the cart wheels. The walk is fairly solitary. With the occasional “Buen Camino” to the fellow walkers.

Terrain on the west side is very arid, with a lot of low scrub and pines. On the east side there is more water, with eucalyptus trees. The trail descent is short, connecting to a paved road, then the “suburban” housing starts. The houses are still closely spaced.

There are some ancient springs and laundry washing stations with big slopped granite slabs. And a spiral stone laid tower, with a spring to wash your feet.

Then into the urban area, following the Camino yellow arrows of many types. A sweaty day, glad to get into terrains with shade


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The road out of town along the seawall.

My fellow Penguinos.

Your author, Tercius

Follow the yellow asphalt road.

First wildlife that I saw.

The Roman cart path is followed over that pass.

Community stone washing facilities. Great to soak your feet as well.

Note the stone stacked on an angle!

Houses a spring to wash your feet.

Sometimes you need to look down for the trail markers.

A sweating Tercius at days end.


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