Between March 9 and 21 I hiked the Alabama Pinhoti Trail from Flagg Mountain to the Georgia border. This is all the species of spring wildflowers I found on those 175 miles.
(Disclaimer: I’m an amateur at plant identification and some of these may be inaccurate. I welcome any corrections or increased level of detail in comments.)
March 9
1. Red Buckeye
Leaves with 5 flowers with red clusters of racemose flowers. Can grow in any size from a bush to a small tree.
2. Quaker Ladies
Small blue flowers with a yellow, depressed center. Typically grows in clusters. Leaves are club shaped and very low to the ground, often unnoticeable without moving leaves off of them.
3. Early Buttercup
Small yellow flowers.
4. Birdfoot Violet
Purple flowers with a small streak of white. As they reach the end of their lifespan, they start to lose all purple color. Can be identified by their leaves, which resemble footprints of small birds.
5. Rue Anemone
6. Wood Sorrel
Purple to pink flowers forming a cup. Leaves grow in threes and are green with a red ring.
7. Redbud
Flowering shrub with pink to red blossoms.
8. Dogwood
Flowering shrub with numerous white blossoms on its branches. With sufficient space can grow to be as large as a tree.
9. Bog White Violet
Stemless white flower. Also known as lance-leaved violet.
10. Narcissus Daffodil
Showy white to yellow flower with blade-like leaves.
March 10
11. Pennywort
Low, purplish-green plant with densely crowded dull white flowers.
12. Star Chickweed
Small white flowers with leaves growing in pairs opposite each other.
13. White Violet
Small and delicate white flowers.
14. Decumbent Trillium
3 mottled leaves with a burgundy flower. Lies almost directly on the ground with seemingly no stem.
15. Heart-leaf Foamflower
Raceme of small white flowers at the top of a 6 inch to 2 foot high stem.
March 11
16. Horrid Thistle
Purple flowers with white edging growing on a spiky plant.
17. Common Dandelion
Yellow flowers.
18. Wisteria
Vine with lilac-like purple flowers. Strong pleasant odor.
19. Plantainleaf Pussytoes
Bunches of small white flowers.
March 12
20. Yellow Stargrass
Yellow flower growing out of leaves resembling a clump of grass.
21. Spiderwort
Purple or rarely pink flowers with long, grass-like leaves. Leaves resemble a spider.
22. Short-leaved Spiderwort
Similar to spiderwort but with more numerous and shorter leaves.
March 13
23. Fire Pink
Bright red X-shaped flowers.
March 16
24. Virginia Dwarf Dandelion
Small yellow-orange flower.
25. Sweet Little Betsy
Burgundy flowers growing on 3 mottled leaves. A species of trillium.
26. Bashful Trillium
White or pink flowers facing downward, growing underneath 3 green leaves.
27. Spotted Geranium
Pink flower.
28. Halberd-leaf Violet
Small yellow flower growing out of large and thin leaves, resembling the blade of a halberd.
29. Robin’s Plantain
Pastel purple to white flowers with a yellow center. Flowers contain a large amount of sometimes overlapping petals.
March 17
30. Golden Ragwort
Clump of small yellow flowers on a plant growing 2 feet tall.
March 18
31. Woodland Phlox
Cluster of purple flowers.
32. Bloodroot
White flowers with a singular, large leaf. The name comes from a red juice that can be squeezed out of the roots that Native Americans would use to dye things red.
March 19
33. Mountain Spurge
Spiky white flowers. This one is very early in the season and not yet fully flowered.
March 20
34. Perfoliate Bellwort
Yellow cup-shaped flowers facing downwards, with the stem appearing to pierce through them.
March 21
35. Common Blue Violet
Blue violet slightly faded to white around the edges.
And that’s all I noticed in Alabama! Join me back in a few weeks for the Georgia wildflower update. What were some of your favorites of these flowers?
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Comments 1
Hi! I absolutely love what you’ve put together here!
Haven’t looked through them all yet, but #18 is kudzu.