7 Remedies for Springer Fever
If you’re like me, a former thru-hiker reading this site, you are probably extremely jealous of all of the Appalachian Trials bloggers who are either already on the trail or will be in the near future. Like most former thru-hikers, I still think about the trail every day and miss it constantly. After talking to numerous other thru-hikers, I’ve concluded that there is something we will have to deal with for the rest of our lives: Springer Fever.
Springer Fever is the yearning we feel, around Spring every year, to be back out on the trail feeling as free and alive as we once did. Springer Fever is a call for adventure, similar to whatever force called us to the trail in the first place.
Springer Fever is inevitable and there are different ways to approach dealing with it. Besides ignoring it and putting it in the back of your mind (which a lot of people do), here are 7 remedies for Springer Fever…
1. Hike the AT again
So, if you just hiked the AT and miss it dearly, shouldn’t it make sense to go and hike it again? This is a viable solution for some people. If you don’t have the time or resources to thru-hike, consider going for a section hike in one of your favorite spots on the trail, or being a trail angel. The possibilities are endless…
2. Hike the PCT
After finishing my thru-hike, a lot of my peers asked me if I was going to hike the PCT. In terms of long distance hiking in America, the PCT is a logical next step, for most, after hiking the AT. So, if you’re craving another long adventure, but want a change of scenery from the AT, the PCT might be for you.
3. Hike the CDT
To be honest, I don’t know much about the CDT besides that it runs through Colorado and has absolutely breathtaking views. The CDT is the most remote of the 3 major US long distance hiking trails and probably requires more planning than the AT or PCT. If you’re connected to the continental divide area, or are looking for a more remote wilderness experience, the CDT may be for you.
4. Hike a shorter trail
Any shorter trail, like the John Muir Trail, the Florida Trail, the Colorado Trail, the Mountain to Sea Trail, and many others, are a viable hiking option for those who don’t have the time or resources to complete a thru-hike. This summer, I plan on spending a month on the Colorado Trail as my solution to Springer Fever.
5. Go on a road-trip
Right after my thru-hike, I drove from Florida to Colorado, which was a small, but legitimate, adventure in itself. If you’re body is too beat up to hike, or you simply just don’t want to walk for an extended period of time, consider taking a road-trip around the country.
6. Travel Abroad
The world is a huge place (obviously) and the possibilities for travel are limitless. Consider visiting a new continent, backpacking around Europe, or organic farming in Australia. If you have the time and resources to travel, take advantage of it!
7. Live Vicariously through these guys
If you are stuck in a position where you don’t have the time or resources to do any of the 6 things mentioned above, consider following our bloggers. Feel free to comment on their posts and give them advice throughout their hike.
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