And My Story Begins – Join Me For This 2,197.40 Mile Journey
It was my original intention to document my hike of the Appalachian Trail on the trail itself, but as I began to embrace the whole experience I discovered that they story was busy writing itself before my very eyes. I decided that I really wanted to fully embrace all of that, journal about it privately, take lots of photos and write about it upon my return. And wow, the return no “real life” was a journey in an of itself. Anyway, after coming home, re-adjusting, volunteering with storm recovery efforts, I am finally in a place where I feel like I can tell my story and give it the time and attention it deserves. My goal is to share it all, the good and the bad, be completly transparent as completing the journey from Georgia to Maine took absolutely everything I had inside me emotionally, physically and psychologically. I do pray that in telling my own story that it will somehow benefit other potential thru-hikers, provide a few tips along the way in terms of planning, preparation, what works and what didn’t (for me). I will post a new post, a new story every week so please join me and be a part of my incredible journey along one of the most beautiful hiking trails in the world.
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