And The Winner Is…
All I can say is wow.
Last week I announced the first annual Badger Sponsorship– an AT thru-hiker giveaway package which included the following prizes: mail drops, a free signed copy of Appalachian Trials, a free e-book version of Appalachian Trial, my cell phone number (emotional support available 24/7), three (3) weather-proof Innate mentor storage sacs, and the option to post your journey on this blog (added exposure = celebrity in the making).
In return I asked for a 2 minute video on why you should be chosen as the winner. The video with the most Facebook “likes” at the bottom would receive the above package.
The response was overwhelming. You guys killed it. Seriously, the videos were awesome. I sincerely wish that I could select all of you as winners, and next year I will do a better job to get more companies (those who can better financially support this operation) so I have more to giveaway.
Congratulations to Joseph Jimenez for winning the 2012 Badger Sponsorship. With a total of 452 likes (btw – holy shit), you are the winner!
In second place was Alex McCollum, with 215 likes, good for a free e-book copy of Appalachian Trials as well as a pair of Innate Mentor Storage Sacs.
In third place was Carey Belcher, with 177 likes, also good for a free e-book and one Innate Mentor Storage Sac.
Because all of the videos were so fantastic, I will be offering a free e-book to all who entered. Also, please, feel free to e-mail me at any time- I am happy to help when I can. Lastly, a fellow AT thru-hiker and all around good guy, Tom Kennedy, has offered his phone number to anyone who wants the extended 24/7 emotional support. Tom is a wise dude, you should call him. I will e-mail you the details.
Thank you again to all who entered, all who voted, all who tried to vote but couldn’t figure it out, and Innate Gear for their very generous donation.
Happy Hiking,
Zach (Badger)
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Comments 1
The Flex does start to veer to the accessory apect of the fence with its design, however it’s app
keeps it firmly in the health tool class.