Anticipating the AT
In my last post, I said that I was excited and anxious. At least some of the anxiety stems from my being an alcoholic. I have not drunk alcohol for several years. A big part of my sobriety comes from attending AA meetings. As a matter of course I often attend three or four meetings a week. I am aware that I can find meetings online along the way. It will be interesting to work out the logistics of getting to the meetings. I am hopeful there will be some meetings on trail. Just another piece of the adventure.
So much of the anticipation of hiking the trail is getting out of my comfort area. Although I do like going to new meetings I usually find myself returning to the same ones with the same familiar faces. People who know my story and whose stories I know. In a big way, this is an avenue for accountability, something we friends of Bill W need in spades. Sometimes being away from anyone who knows you causes our minds to begin to rationalize dangerous behaviors, “Maybe I could slip into that brightly lit bar with all that laughter and have just a couple beers.” Rationalization, that thing I do so well when I am only listening to the voice in my own head.
I am beginning to have a pile of new equipment in a corner of my bedroom. Today I am looking forward to receiving my new tent. I may have to take down my Christmas tree to be able to set it up and take it down to familiarize myself with it. Will I be able to set it up even in the dark? Maybe I will sleep in it tonight on the living room floor.
I have noticed that there are some people, that are not known friends, who are following my blog. I do not know what is the norm in so far as contacting them but I will, for now, say that I hope I don’t bore you and that you find some interest and meaning in what I write.
Many years ago we had goats for milk. At that time many of my friends hung the name “Goat Roper” on me. I am wondering if that could be my trail name? Maybe more appropriately “Old Goat Roper.” I will wait to see if the trail names me.
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Comments 1
Good for you, Egon.
I’m setting out on the AT NOBO on February 1. I figure I’ll celebrate birthday 72 somewhere in the vicinity of Harper’s Ferry. Maybe we two white hairs will cross paths somewhere along the way.
Steve / pearwood