AT 7: Fall In Massachusetts

Fall foliage photos & one amazing video for Massachusetts follow this update

Fall Continued…

Last time I left you, my slightly intrigued audience, I had just finished Vermont and had entered Massachusetts. As previously mentioned, we have been following fall for quite some time. Roughly 7 weeks now and boy has it been fascinating. Just as I had hoped for, we hit a new wave of fall foliage in Massachusetts. Peak colors for nearly the entire stretch of AT within the state.

Another state has been conquered… A rather short one, I must say, as it only constitutes approximately 90 of the AT’s 2189.8 miles. We bagged a few peaks along the way, including Mt. Greylock, and have continued to experience colors beyond anything I have ever witnessed. Nothing out of the ordinary… except for two bears we saw playing in a cornfield! That was quite a site as we haven’t seen a bear in nearly 4 months.

A Stormy Night… and Day

Currently we are hunkered down at the first shelter in Connecticut. The storms over the last 24 hours have been brutal. Experiencing continuous downpours and gusts of wind reaching upwards of 60 mph… we dare not leave the safety of our sleeping bags. To our surprise… early this morning a rather large tree branch snapped off and landed on the shelter, but no damage was sustained. So, here we sit… waiting for the storms to pass… so we can conquer all of Connecticut’s 50ish miles.

So, for now I must leave you… but remember this is not goodbye… but rather see you soon… as New York is only a few short days away…

Instagram: @kotysapp

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Comments 2

  • Mark Cummings : Oct 30th

    Wow, your photos are amazing!

  • BuzzCut : Oct 31st

    loved it


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