Why I’m Hiking
At Levante, one of the principles we abide by is “it’s not what we do, it’s why we do it“. With less than 30 days remaining until I stand on Springer Mountain, I think it’s time for me to share why I am thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail.
I am thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail because…
- I need to turn my dream into a reality
- If I don’t take chances, I will grow roots (and nothing scares me more than growing roots)
- “Real life” isn’t in my way right now
- It’s expericences that make me truely happy, not things
- I want to eat a half gallon of ice cream with no remorse
- I don’t want to reflect on my life thinking that the AT is something I should have done
When I successfully thru-hike the Appalachian Trail I will…
- Have a new self confidence that can never be shaken or doubted
- Be really super freaking proud of myself
- Give my mom the biggest hug I have ever given her
- Probably cry
- Be in awe of my own capablities
- Have some peace of mind
- Need to find something else to obsess over
If I give up on the Appalachian Trail I will…
- Be extremely disappointed with myself
- Fall into a vicious cycle of self doubt
- Let Team Levante, all of my supporters, and most importantly myself down
- Definitely cry
- Replay in my head what went wrong over and over again (I’m a dweller)
- Have a load of regret weighing me down
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Comments 1
Hey girl it was such a pleasure meeting you and your family and Leah last night. So happy you stopped in our little town. Such a great adventure you are about to embark on. When ur coming thru the area give me a shout Parkway Brewing Company will definately quinch your thirst. Cheers?!