A Couple of Dudes Going for a Walk, Why?
Well hello! Over the upcoming months, I look forward to sharing with you the adventures to be had with my friends through, this wonderful opportunity, blogging for The Trek. However, March 3rd marks the beginning of my thru-hike. I believe an introduction might be due before I get too far ahead of myself.
A Brief Overview of Who I Am
Born and raised in Nebraska, surrounded by cornfields, I attended the University of Nebraska (Lincoln), graduating in May 2021. While there I studied Finance and minored in Communication. During my college career for a few summers, 2019 and 2021, I would head south to New Mexico where I was a Backpacking Guide (Rangers were what we were called there) at Philmont Scout Ranch. While Philmont was only two short summers of my life, it is the place I attribute to true outdoor “revelation.” Between graduation and hiking the AT, I’ve done a few seasonal gigs all leading to this moment. Furthermore, I’d like to express why I am Hiking to create concert motivational reasons.
Why Am I Hiking?
- I agreed with my friends to hike with them. “What is a Man without his Word?”
- I have told family, friends, managers, and mentors that I was going to do this.
- Hiking the A.T will solidify within me that I do love the outdoors, that it wasn’t just having fun as a camp counselor.
- I will grow. “There’s no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone.”
- Growth comes in various forms, mental or physical. It’s important to acknowledge this and welcome it.
- I love being able to zone out and think in my head, hiking makes you do this 10 fold. (this is why I believe Dads like to mow)
- Finishing the A.T will put me one step closer to having a triple crown.
- I look forward to coming off the trail just absolutely jacked.
Following why I am hiking, I want to touch base on who is hiking with me.
What About the Rest of the Gang?
During my first summer at Philmont, I learned about the Appalachian Trail. My friend Alex, from North Carolina, had mentioned to me that he was planning to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail after graduation. He explained its vastness to me and the importance to him of why he wanted to hike it. At that moment, three years ago, we vowed to hike the trail together. Solidified in not much more than some spit and a handshake we departed with one goal, graduate then hike.
Then, after graduating and heading south one last time to Philmont, word started to spread about our plans and that’s when our friend Max, from Virginia, decided to join us as well. Now Max, Alex, and I will be departing for the AT in less than a week. All of us being Eagle Scouts, “Rangers,” and young 20-somethings, we will set out for months of memories and challenges. Stay tuned to hear what we get ourselves into.
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Comments 2
Hey Garrett!
Good luck on your AT thru hike! I wish you the best of luck! I have completed 6 full Philmont treks and am also hoping to do a thru hike someday or at least attempt one. I am retired and now a grandma so I need to get on the trail! Keep your chin up and keep on hiking! Anybody not ready?
Hike on!
Garrett, Max, Alex,
Go for it!
Blessings on your way,
Steve / pearwood