A Stay at Home Mom with a Kitchen Pass
I am not your typical, magazine cover hiker. I am chubby. Okay, more than chubby. I’m okay with that. I just wish the clothing manufacturers would get with program and make clothes in my size, and sell them in STORES! But, that’s a whole other issue for another day. I look completely out of shape, but I have run half marathons… for fun! More than once! Although my body seems to prefer walking and hiking to running (er, jogging). We hikers come in all shapes and sizes, eh?
I am pushing 40, but not quite there yet. In fact, if all goes well (fingers crossed, knocking on wood, clenching that rabbit foot), I will celebrate my first 39th birthday on the trail. Because they are all 39th birthdays after that, right? I have more than few strands of sparkly glitter in my hair. These I normally cover with a variety of hair products which means I can be a blonde, a brunette, a ginger, or pink, blue, purple, or a combination of glorious colors found only on rainbows. For this hike, rather than fight my roots, I am embracing them. My stylist says the color should match my roots- although we really aren’t 100% sure. Guess I will finally see how much glitter has taken over. I refuse to call it gray. How boring. You’re only as old as you feel, anyway.
I wheeze and breathe heavy when I exert myself. Doesn’t matter. I can walk for miles upon miles… the first few will always be a wheezy mess. When I ran my last half marathon people kept asking if I needed medical attention. No, I always sound like this until my lungs warm up. Then, there is my pace. It’s somewhere along the lines of a turtle hurtling through molasses. It’s a steady pace, though. You can set your watch to me when I run races. I have the same pace for a mile run as it is for a half-marathon. Steady as she goes. I’m good with that. It’s me.
Trading Places
Underneath it all, I waver between beyond excited and stressed and worried and elated. I can round the bases on emotion in about 30 seconds if you want to time me. I expect I will round the bases quite often on the trail, as well. What is an adventure without adversity, excitement, stress, joy, etc? I’m sure I will experience as many emotions as there are steps taken on the journey. I don’t expect easy, but I’m thrilled that it’s possible.
Some of my trepidation and worry stems from the fact that I am a stay at home mom of four leaving her babies for six months. Well, they aren’t babies, technically. They are 13, 11, and 8 year old twins. As military kids, they have been around several blocks a time or two (or more). My military husband (aka Byzo) has traveled the world on multiple deployments and spent more than his fair share of time away from us. For the next six months, as the kids say, it’s my turn. Byzo (and I’m his gal: Byzosgal) is going to get a bird’s eye view of what it is like to be the parent at home during a deployment. He’s going to experience running kids all over town, sports, practices, haircuts, homework, celebrations, broken appliances, chores, grocery shopping, and more. Sometimes he’s excited, sometimes he’s not. However, he’s ready to be the one sending the care packages and waiting on the phone calls determined by cell service. It’s a whole new world for him… and me.
I’m starting my journey soon. Hope to see you on the trail.
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Comments 7
Enjoy your adventure!
I can’t wait to follow your adventure. I’m planning for my adventure to start in about 5 years when my kids will be just a little older than yours (13, 13, 11). I’m a little nervous about leaving the kiddos at home and am looking forward to your perspective. Good luck to you!
You go, girl!!! I have to wait 8 years to start my AT trail thru-hike, but I completely enjoy living vicariously through you guys! I’ll be cheering you on in spirit! This next year, I’d like to do a week and a half long section hike starting at Springer Mountain for my first test hike. I look forward to reading your opinion…somehow, I get the impression that you won’t sugar coat the experience, but will be completely candid! Best wishes!!
A kitchen pass.. I love it!! and I want one!!! I would pack up my tent and run! Can’t wait to follow your adventures.
You’re going to have a great time out there. Keep your head up and have fun.
So awesome and inspirational! Looking forward to following your journey!
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