Allow Me to Introduce Myself
Hi! My name is Amy Long. I currently reside in Huntersville, North Carolina where I work as a nanny. This past December, I graduated from North Carolina State University where I studied International Studies. As graduation approached everyone kept asking me what I was going to do when I graduated and if I had a job lined up yet. I was like woah…no. I’m done with school. I’m tired of working. I’m finally free! I want to take a break, do something fun, go on an adventure. My mom’s friend (The Fam) asked if I had any interest in hiking the Appalachian Trail because “now is the time to do it”. Nope. Never thought about it. The idea was planted and continued to grow. I watched Surviving the Appalachian Trail, read Wild by Cheryl Strayed, and heard rave reviews from previous thru-hikers. In November, 2013 I said “I’m in”.
I have little to no backpacking experience. When I say little, I mean I went ‘backpacking’ at Camp Cheerio when I was 9 years old for one night and I don’t remember it. I have one picture so I know it happened. The longest I’ve gone without showering is…well I haven’t gone any days in my adult life without showering, but I have gone 2 whole days without washing my hair because I’ve been practicing. Showering is my favorite thing to do. Although I’m lacking in the backpacking experience category, I DO have some hiking experience. Don’t get it twisted.
There are a lot of reasons why I’ve decided to hike the Appalachian Trail. I’ve been in a funk for a while and I desperately need to get out of it. I spend most of my time working, squeeze in a work out a few days a week, come home, watch my shows (oh how I love my shows), and eat ice cream with my parents…every night. This is my life. I can’t even believe I’m typing this out. But the point is… I used to be the fun friend that would go out and have crazy nights and awesome stories to tell. I had energy and a social life. I miss that. What happened to that person!? Now I’m just this lame chick who eats ice cream with her parents and gets really tired. There’s got to be more to life.
Hiking the Appalachian Trail will give me the opportunity to become the person I want to be. I’m entering into transformation mode. I want to get out of my current daily routine, be in the best shape of my life, meet awesome people, make new friends who also enjoy hiking, and be happy. My solo NOBO thru hike starts on April 5th, 2014. I can’t wait!
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