An Introduction – Jenny from the Trail

Hello Internet People!

Let me introduce myself. I am Jenny from “The Trail”  as opposed to “The Block” (anyone know the song reference)?  I am formerly a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) to three sons/one daughter who grew into lovely young adults and are pursuing their dreams and lives.   I am now “empty nesting” with my hubby and two dogs at the beach. I love to travel internationally and domestically, with a  special interest in our national parks. When my kids were in high school, I took them all on month-long road trips.  We drove across the country to stay at and hike in our national parks. It was such a wonderful experience for us all – we did this for four summers in a row.

It was during these trips that my love of hiking started. I can’t say that all the kids shared this feeling, but they were good sports when I asked them to get up at four a.m. so we could beat the heat hiking down the Grand Canyon in July or along a desolate and hot trail in Death Valley. Each year, we would increase the length and frequency of our hikes—which made me a happy Mom.

I am a pretty active mid-50s woman who loves to “get my steps,” “close my rings,” go to the gym, walk the dogs, join fitness challenges, and set goals.  I have run many 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, as well as two Marathons. I practice yoga, ride my bike, and have been a member of a couple name brand gyms over the years.

As lucky as I feel to be living at the beach now, the atmosphere is a little too relaxed and perhaps, shall I say boring? Don’t take this the wrong way; I am grateful for this absolutely beautiful place I live in. However, I am not ready to sit on the beach, play dice, mahjong, or join a book club. The need to get out and about is pretty persistent, and I still love to take road trips anywhere by myself now that the kids are grown and my hubby still works full time. These trips are to state parks and also back to the city we moved from to enjoy concerts, plays, and sporting events.

But even with all my current interests, something felt missing. Having had these thoughts for a couple of years and with my love of hiking always present, I read hiking blogs. Through these blogs, one woman stood out: Dips, AT thru-hiker 2021.  I just looked forward to and loved reading her experiences on the trail.  She made it seem relatable and possible! It’s time for me to attempt a Thru Hike of my own on the Appalachian Trail.  Now THIS will definitely NOT be boring! Now there is no turning back,  my dream has been put into the universe.   First time seeing and admitting this is going to be my attempt. I am excited, nervous, anxious, surprised, and “almost” ready to do this!

I would be remiss in not recognizing my husband, John. He will be holding the fort down at home with our dogs and working full-time to provide the financial opportunity for me to pursue this dream. Thank you, honey. John is also my biggest supporter and loves to talk to folks about my hike. He was warned to hold off as I was not ready to announce it yet.

But here I go, announcing my 2023 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike Attempt!

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Comments 7

  • Crossword : Jan 17th

    Have you thought about how you are going to tackle this? I would recommend a flip flop, as you are more likely to be around people our age (I completed my flip flop thru hike last year). There are also many other reasons – avoid the crowds, better weather). Based on your running background you are unlikely to have any issues but keep an eye out for overuse issues by starting out slower for the first 3+ weeks until you work up to 15+ miles every day. I look forward to hearing how it goes!

    • Jenny Reed : Feb 6th

      Hello Crossword,
      YES I have definitely though about how to tackle this! I am a purist and will start NOBO. Congratulations on your completion last year! What an adventure!

  • Julianne SmithJulianne Smith : Jan 23rd

    Hi Jenny! I’m 52 and starting my northbound hike March 2. I hope to meet you on the trail.

    • Jenny Reed : Feb 6th

      Hi Julianne! I will be a few weeks behind you in start dates, but maybe we may meet at some point on the trail – hope so! Wishing you a successful journey!

  • Jeanne Peek : Jan 24th

    I am so incredibly proud of this woman, my daughter. Jenny has always been goal oriented with a laser focus on achieving those goals. I have no doubt Jenny has the stamina, determination and hiking skills to complete this hike. It’s impossible for me to wrap my head around the idea of walking that many miles. It would be like me walking to Detroit, my hometown, returning to my current home here in Wilmington, NC and still having to log another 600 miles!

    May all my good wishes for safe hiking be your companion! Go, Jenny,go!!

    • Jenny Reed : Feb 6th

      Why thank you MOM! 🙂

  • Ultra : Feb 21st

    Jenny I am so proud of and inspired by you!! Let’s do this thing ??


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