And the Cycle Continues

Today is Jan 1, 2020. I woke up with a severe case of anxiety and claustrophobia and depression. I’m starting the new year by checking myself into the hospital and getting help. My bipolar has been cycling really bad for about two weeks. I feel like I’m in severe sensory overload; there are too many things, too many people, too many sounds and smells. I feel like my personal space is being invaded every moment of the day and I can’t escape. The trail is calling in a BIG way right now. I’m still hopeful for May 18, but my hike could get postponed. Funny thing is that now it’s only money that will stop me because the trail can provide the space that I so desperately need. I WILL hit the AT in 2020, even if I only get to cowboy camp one night with zero equipment. To just be, out there, enjoying the beauty that is the trail and let nature heal my soul.

I hike for myself. I hike for others. I hike for mental health.

Feature photo courtesy Chris Guynn.

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