Appalachian Trail Bloggers Highlights from the Trail: 3/29-4/5
Another week has gone by and our. Appalachian Trials Bloggers are making their way North. In this weeks update, a possible norovirus outbreak, and some our hikers make some big decisions.
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Here is this week’s update from our Appalachian Trail Bloggers
We have a few bloggers posting from Neels Gap this week including Bekah Barnett who has already met the legendary Miss Janet! Bekah has some great advice for those who have yet to start.
Kate Spillane Balano has had an amazing first week on the trail and is learning that setting deadlines are not a good way to hike.
While at Neels Gap, Mike and Grace ran into fellow Appalachian Trials blogger Stephanie Jones.
There has been rumors of norovirus in Hiawassee. Sonia Button confirms that there is indeed a norovirus outbreak with a first person account, while blogger Jill Aubin headed to Helen, GA to avoid the illness. A few days later she posted from Franklin, NC during a zero after spending a frigid night in the snow. She has made the wise decision to stock up on some warmer gear before heading to the smokies.
Erin Tate has also gone into Helen, GA and has run into blogger Colleen, and a few others.
Liz Snyder posted from Hiawassee and the NOC this week. She has fallen in love with the mountains in Georgia and has this to say about trail life so far: “Trail life is quite wonderful thus far. I’m falling into a simple pattern – wake up, eat, hike, eat, arrive at a shelter or campsite, eat, talk and laugh with new friends, and sleep. What a great way to live!”
Sharon is a few days North of Hot Springs followed closely behind by Maggie, who almost ran out of food in the Smokies. She did the only sensible thing at her resupply in Gatlinburg, which was to purchase 27 pounds of food for 2 people. She is now in Hot Springs and got this awesome picture on Max Patch.
Kicking off their hike this week is Byzosgal who started her hike with a negative 8.6 mile day and Amanda Rogers who is crash testing her gear.
Connor Mullen is in Erwin and has hiked his first 20-mile day! The hiker hunger has set in, and he has posted a lot of great pics like this one!
David and Rachel Hoyt have updated from Franklin where Rachel has made a lot of friends and talks about her experience adapting to trail life, and David spent his first night in a shelter.
Making big decisions this week are bloggers Jill Aubin and Dana. Jill Aubin has made it to Wesser Bald and has lept into the unknown of continuing her hike alone after her partner and husband went home.
Dana and her husband have made the decision to end their thru hike attempt in Franklin, NC, but they aren’t giving up completely. They still paln to make their way to Maine, experiencing some of the best parts of the trail and doing trail magic along the way. From her latest update: We aren’t ready to give up on the AT. It sure hasn’t given up on us. We’re just going to have to go about our journey a bit differently. Hike on.
That’s all the posts from the last 7 days. Make sure to keep up with the most recent posts from out Appalachian Trials Bloggers here!
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