Appalachian Trail Bloggers Highlights from the Trail: 4/6-4/12
This week our Appalachian Trials Bloggers have been posting like mad as most people are on the trail at this point. We are also starting to get a lot of introductory posts from SOBOs so head on over to the Appalachian Trials Bloggers page and check em out.
Several of our hikers are on an emotional roller coaster this week as they adjust to the rigors of the trail like Michelle Revoir who is just north of Winding Stair Gap. Stephanie Jones posted from Neels Gap with some super swollen feet. Laurel and Eric posted from Top of Georgia Hostel in Hiawassee. In their update, Eric rates his ever-changing mood in smiley faces.
Tee Corley posted from Helen and after going over Tray Mountain and reflects on her time spent on the AT in 2011. Of this years hike she has to say: “I have described this year’s hike to my fellow hikers as a mission, a vendetta – hell – it’s a reckoning.”
Hikers posting from around the Smokies include Jill Aubin, who entered the park this week and is doing everything she can to keep the bears away, and David, who had a relaxing day in Fontana and stayed at the “Fontana Hilton.” He also posted from Gatlinburg where he was warm and cozy as the temps dropped to zero in the mountains. From his Fontana update he says: “Kyle fantasized about buying a cheap boat and living on it for a year, drifting from port-to-port, playing music gigs in seaside bars. Living on the trail with so little opens your mind to dreaming like that. When you can sleep in a bag and cook on a pocket-stove, the world is full of possibility.”
Jessica Georgia has been on the trail for 30 days! She has made it through the Smokies as well and took a short detour to the beach for her daughters birthday. Her photo-heavy update has a lot of great shots.
In Damascus this week are Jesse Metzger and Seeker. Jesse is taking care of hiker hunger by adding a fanny pack to his front that acts as a feedbag when he is hiking. Seeker completed the last 54 miles into town in 2 days, calling it the “Damascathon” and has a newfound hatred for thunderstorms.
Sharon is 80 miles south of Damascus. Hiking partner Nate is having some pretty bad leg pain, and Sharon leaves us on a cliff hanger, wondering if they will make their goal of hitting Damascus in only 5 days.
Also dealing with hiker hunger is Oliver Hudgins who posted three times this week once from Neels Gap and wearing Chacos and once from Hiawasse where he was able to secure a bunk for his birthday and once from Standing Indian Shelter with a 12 pound food bag.
As usual, many people have taken a zero or two. Mike and Grace took a zero at the Budget Inn in Hiawassee. Mike is shaving his head to ward off ticks, while Emmi is taking a double zero at the NOC and shares some of her drawings.
Jesse Smith started off his hike this week at break neck speed, putting in two 16s and a 20 mile day before reaching Hiawassee while James Perkins has 9 miles to go before hitting NC. Kate Spillane Balano is having a tame thru hike so far, and is also just shy of the North Carolina Border. Sonia Button is in Hot Springs and recaps her journey north from the NC border.
That’s all the posts from the last 7 days. Make sure to keep up with the most recent posts from out Appalachian Trials Bloggers here!
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