How an Athlete Prepares for the AT
Physical preparation for a thru hike on the AT is important both for good results and to prevent injuries. In my last post, you found a large number of hikes that would be excellent hiking-specific preparation. In the next few posts, you will see my physical preparations for a thru hike on the AT. You will discover my training during the few weeks prior to departing from Springer Mountain, Georgia. I plan to start hiking on March 18.

Feb 15. Thirty minutes of yoga practice in the morning. A 3 hour drive to Mount Rainier, and above, a 4.5 mile hike on Rampart Ridge Trail with 1000 feet of elevation gain.

Feb 16. Snow shoeing from Paradise Visitors Center at Mount Rainier National Park to Panorama Point. An elevation gain of 1,600 feet and one difficult long steep section of an icy 30 degree slope. Stretching after the snowshoeing.
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