Backwards Hat intro to the AT
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird).
I believe the same to be true about one’s self. Over the course of a 2,200 mile walk, under the green canopy that is the Appalachian Trail, my mental, physical and emotional abilities will be tested. I invite everyone to share this journey with me. Backpacking is not all pretty pictures as social media loves to portray. I want to share the raw, real, and emotional side of my trek. Please feel free to comment, leave feed back, or ask any question. I also invite anyone to join me on a portion of the trail. Thanks for reading and happy new year!
Backward Hat… Forward Thinking
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Comments 7
Good Luck, this is something in which I yearn to do
Thank you! Please follow me on my journey and feel free to ask any questions. my Instagram will be a great way to stay connected! Give me a follow and shoot me a DM. Thanks for the comment and I hope you get out to the AT soon!
Followed on Instagram, I plan on hitting the trails about a week after you! Best of luck to you
Thanks for the follow Kelly! Shoot me an IG DM so we can stay connected. Good luck on your trek! id love to chat with you on the trail.
Wish you well! You taking your dog?
Thank you. My 1 of my dogs will be joining for some of the Thru Hike. That’s my next blog post topic so stay tuned for details. thanks for the question. Follow me on IG to stay connected @backwardshatforwardthinking.