Countdown to NOBO start day

Twenty-five days until I will be starting my NOBO AT thru hike. Nervous anticipation of my impending departure on the journey of many steps and trials. The weather of late has been frigid and I have tested my gear in some very cold conditions. Learned that my hammock under quilt was not sufficient for some of the colder temps that I may expect to see. I purchased a zero degree under quilt to address that concern. I believe that my clothing will be sufficient for the trek and the cold. I have acquired a set of loaner microspikes to use so that concern has been addressed. Added a set of over mitts to help keep my hands from freezing. These added items have increased my pack weight a little bit but I have hiked with the added weight and believe it will be manageable. Yet I still question myself on my preparedness. Is this normal? Does everyone that is setting out on a thru hike have this apprehension as they get ready to embark on this journey?

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Comments 5

  • Jeff : Jan 24th

    Let me know when your near the AT FOOTBRIGE, Bedford Va. The James River crossing. I’ll replenish your pack.

  • Henry Latimer : Jan 24th

    Nobody knows what the heck they’re doing the first couple weeks!

  • Elayna Simmons : Jan 27th

    Hi Scott! I’m waiting another 6 weeks before I start hoping to avoid freezing temps, but I think I have the same anticipation and anxiety about preparedness and gear as you do! Best of luck to you. 😁

  • Fun Size : Jan 27th

    Hi, Scott! I’m also a retiree starting the trail a little later this year. Best of luck for your early start!!

    • Tahoephoto : Jan 28th

      Hello Scott,
      In my opinion, you should not embark on an endeavor of this scale without being confident in your gear and ability. Doing several hikes including some that are at LEAST 10 days will teach you about the gear you need and the weight you can handle. Guessing at this is unnecessary. You will be more confident and relaxed knowing you’ve got the gear to be successful and safe. The safety of your trip is paramount. The ability to signal for help anywhere you are is crucial. That includes a GPS. Now a days you can even rent satellite phones. Or, go light with a satellite signal device.
      All that being said, I’ve never been nervous to go out on a hike. I just felt excited to go out on an adventure. All because of prep hikes and equipment adjustments to match the endeavor.
      Planning everything, meals, re-supply spots, all make for a confident feeling and relaxing trip.
      Just my 2 cents. Have a blast! Be safe!


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