Day 15…Skipping Right Along
Start: Bailey Gap Shelter, mile 658.6
End: Campsite mile 676
Miles: 17.4
Total Miles: 174.1
I’m trying something new since I’m sooooo far behind…a short daily-ish post.
Still, don’t hold your breath for the daily part.
And I’ll try to recap Days 7-14.
But here’s a little snapshot of Day 15…
I pushed hard today to get out of the big bubble of 12 people I’ve been leapfrogging for a week now, the Dirty Dozen. They’re loads of fun, but I always worry there won’t be campsites left (even though it always works out).
I probably would have stayed at the same shelter if not for Finisher. I was hiking with him after today’s gnarly climb and he pushed me to keep going. So now I’m writhing around in my tent stifling old lady noises and wishing my Advil weren’t hanging outside from a tree.
Tip of the day…keep Advil within reach at all times!
It was Finisher’s birthday today. Mainer gave him the last of his cookies. 82 have him a precious Mountain Dew. I gave him an avocado and some sugar snap peas. He said he was ridiculously happy.
This life is so good. And today it included red-winged blackbirds and the season’s first mountain laurel blooms.
I’m ridiculously happy, too!
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