Day 3/my birthday
Weather is so fickle. I hoofed it up to Trey mountain shelter expecting a downpour overnight. Waking up to no rain was the greatest birthday gift of all.
When I went into acquiring gear, I was drawn to this Mountain Hardwear “waterproof”(in the main body) backpack. Boy did that sucker deliver. I also armed myself with the Orange pack cover and everything was bone dry after 4 hours of straight rain.

Birthday lunch at Deep Gap shelter

Take the blue blaze that reads epic. vista
After a big 8 miles, I arrived at Dicks Creek Gap. About a mile before I met a man who worked at Top of Georgia Hostel, trail named Renaissance. He offered me a ride to the hostel even though it was .5 miles away.
I was pretty extatic about having a bunk for my birthday. I booked a bunk and paid in full for Laundry and Breakfast on top of Trey Mountain. On top of a damn mountain! SCIENCE!
He mentioned in passing that all the bunks were full by 10:45 and my inclination was just to drown myself in Dicks Creek. This damn rain would just keep people in their bunks another night.
But my fears were squashed the moment I walked in the door. From taking your shoes off at the door, to immediately being offered some hot Earl Grey, I was told my bunk was safe and was offered a laundry basket with a towel and scrubs. Reservations and foresight FTW
What do you do when you get into Hiawassee from the shuttle. You CRUSH some Monte Albon.
Sorting through my food mail drop. I may have packed too much. 12 pounds to get me to NOC. 70 miles with the common knowledge of 2 pounds of day. I am not eating that much. I don’t want to resupply in Franklin, so I suppose having too much food is a good thing. Mountain house is king in the evening. So damn convenient and tasty that space food.
Having “Sir Packs a lot” give his 10 golden rules of thru hiking was a great thing to experience. Having done all 3 major trail in the U.S. we were all enraptured. Having 25+ people sitting there silently, listening to his wisdom was something that people who stick it out the 69 miles get to experience. This was his first time doing it this season, but it sure didn’t show. Given with the sure confidence of a man who has hiked over 5,000 across various regions of this country.
While he gives his presentation, people can pay to rub their feet over marbles in a tub of very hot water. Myself on the far left was resigned to the freebie foot rollers. Still damn satisfying.
Ready for a solid breakfast in the morning and hopefully will pass into North Carolina at some point in the day.
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Comments 2
Renaissance also gave me a ride! He saw me walking in Hiawassee and drove me to the hotel since the hostel was full. Such a nice/cool dude! Happy hiking!
Who knew a bucket of marbles could be so satisfying?!