Day 58-62: Did Someone Say Town Day?
Last post, I was falling asleep to leave some repacking for myself in the morning.
Day 58: Ice Cream Belly Ache
Packed up a little later than I’d like and I was off to find the real halfway point!! I’m halfway to a lot of things, but Katadhin is surely first on that list!
I wasn’t even a mile into my day when trail magic awaited me! Does a cheeseburger at 8 am sound appetizing to you? Sadly too early for this stomach!
3 miles in and I almost missed it! The paper that told me my fate.
Seeing the official halfway marker and continuing to pass a few more had my mind in a spin. My crazy goal, not discussed too much, is to complete the trail in 100 days. Yes, it is crazy, but I like crazy. I crave the challenge and it’s a big part of my “why”. It also doesn’t help the case that I dreamt last night that I completed the trail in less than 100 days.
All in all, a pretty mild day hiking around some new folks. Hiked 25 miles to a tent site by the water. Enjoyed dinner with some lovely company, Sunflower, Spoon, and Payday.
Day 59: Cumberland Valley Crossing
Powered through the whole day it seemed like, enjoying time in my little world. I’ve been craving time to myself, I sure love the camaraderie of the hikers, but there is truly something about waking up just you and the birds. I am in need of more, and fast! I’m growing tired of telling someone my schedule!
In total, 27 miles to where I lay my head this evening.
Day 60: Duncannon
Up and ready to get to Duncannon as early as possible! First stop, the 7-11 to see what food they had and what deals were going on. My scores? A whole milk with a sleeve of glazed donuts on top of buy one get one free pop tarts!
Next stop, the Grocery Mart to pace around debating on what to buy with these very few options. I do know, this was gonna be a rough little stretch for my stomach. All processed foods and warm cheese are just what this body needs!
Continuing with my steady pace and kept pushing out miles. I sure didn’t feel like stopping as the ever-darkening sky above was hard to read. I couldn’t tell if the storm was forming or breaking up with the ridge lines I was walking on.
Set up, and looked like what some thru-hikers would call a “shitty pitch”. Not enough tension all around to make my little tent seem huge, but tucked under a tree that didn’t have dead branches above me. There was severe weather closing in this evening and rain already starting.
Another 27 miles today and if I’m honest, I was a tad disappointed. The weather couldn’t hold out for me to get another personal mileage best, but I sure didn’t mind the extra rest.
Day 61: Girl Go
Another day stirring in my tent before the sun rises. Packed up my soaking wet stuff ready to push out some more miles today! No real goal set, other than to try to get to the trail magic Pickle from Townshirt was hosting before it’s gone!
With absolutely no breaks for over 10 miles, I was sad to have missed the pickle magic. Took the opportunity to bake my gear in the sun and kept pushing once repacked. I was rock jumping pretty much all day with minimal breaks for my feet.
I’m enjoying the mental focus of this section, but it leaves no room for other things. Just me and my crazy dance playlist from high school. 31 miles in total today, laying down one happy sore girl!
Day 62: A Roach in Port Cannon
I had 15 miles to the road leading to the metropolis that was Hamburg, Pennsylvania!
With only one day’s notice and a ton of text messages, there would be a surprise for me! All I had to do was walk to the Walmart in town, resupply, then my CDT surprise would be here!
I’m repacking my newly purchased resupply, and the moment I stopped looking, it appeared! My CDT surprise, my good buddy Roach! We hiked the Montana/Idaho border last summer and was apart of a little tramily “the core four”
I never realized how much I appreciated a familiar face and a big hug of encouragement until I received one. Bought me lunch and caught up from the last time we saw each other. He drove me the two miles back to the trail which means I’m back to grinding out more miles!
Something about hopping rocks to the beat of a song has me flying through these “Rocksylvania” miles. It’s either that or knowing that I get to see some family soon.
I hiked 27 miles on the trail today, not including the road walk into Hamburg.
Until the next update, happy trails and hike on!
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