Days 1 and 2
Day one
My husband and I started around 11 ish, late I know. Late because I left my tag in the car. He had to get back on the shuttle from downtown Harpers Ferry back to the parking spot near the visitors center. I waited with all the bags until he got back. Then we finally were able to venture on, and I was finally able to calm my nerves. Finally I am on trail! We had a wonderful lunch at weaverton cliffs, and a dog came up to me!!! Bear was his name! My first encounter with a dog on trail on the AT. You will probably hear me talk a lot about dogs lol. We did 6ish miles to the Ed Garvey shelter. There were 2 different groups of Boy Scouts there. They were very respectful though and hung their food instead of using the bear box, and didn’t take up any spots in the shelter. There I met some pretty cool section hikers. They were doing a shakedown hike for the PCT next month. I also met Arya, a young flip flopper who started the same day I did. We ate our dinner and then went to sleep.
Day 2
Woke up to a gorgeous sunrise! I had to say goodbye to my husband as he went back to the car and I continued north. It was sad. I ran into Arya again! We kept flip flopping each other. Ran into some more dogs! They were awesome, so friendly and playful. Man I really need to find someone thru hiking with a dog and just stick around them. If you are out there, I will watch your dog while you resupply!
So there was this really scary bridge that was high up and cars were just going fast under the bridge. I’m a little terrified of falling from high places. If I don’t look over a cliff Im fine. This bridge though…. it took me about 3 minutes to talk myself into walking across it. The only thing I thought while crossing the bridge is please don’t collapse, please don’t collapse. It did not and I’m still alive!!! But it was terrifying. On day 2 I really wanted a soda, I was looking forward already on resupplying and getting a soda. Well when I got to camp, there was SODA!!! How lucky was that.
Camped at the Dahlgreen campground, which had just opened their bathrooms!! That had SHOWERS in them, and OUTLETS! I was very excited! There were also some more flip floppers there as well, I met deep end and Arya was there also! It only rained a little through the night and got cold! Overall it was a great day 2!
Feeling great!
My mood and spirits are high! My body feels great. Glad I did my training and live right near the smokies. They too have pointless ups and downs! I’m feeling strong! I feel like I can go go go, but I will let my legs get used to the rocks and heavier bag, before I start CRUSHING it lol!
What to expect
I would like to do updates whenever I can. Maybe 3 day updates. I’ve been good with not running out of power on my banks, and I do listen to music all day. So when I do update they will probably be short and sweet. Have I double checked for typos? Maybe, maybe not.
I also post on instagram regularly. @the_sammi_show facebook is also the Sammi show
Next time you hear from me I’ll probably be smelling like a goat!!!
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Comments 1
Don’t worry at all about your “smell”, after a day or two on the trail everyone will be the
same and won’t be able to notice!