Days 60-61

Day 60

Stanimals Hostel to Holiday Inn

0 miles, mile 864.3

Well, we had a very unfortunate ending to our night. Kevin was up puking all night and then I was too starting at 4:00 a.m. We think the Chipotle I was oh so excited for gave us both food poisoning. We got out of the hostel early in the morning because being sick with people around is never a good idea. We both haven’t been able to keep any food or even water down all day. Tomorrow will be another zero. It’s very frustrating that six out of eight of the zeros we have taken is because we (mostly me) have been unable to keep food down. I’m doing my best to stay positive and hope to get back to crushing miles after tomorrow!

Day 61

Holiday inn

0 miles, mile 864.3

I’m still not feeling 100% but we are getting back to the trail tomorrow morning. We hardly moved all day except to walk to The Outback Steakhouse to eat some food that wasn’t a granola bar. We had attempted to walk to a different place but when there were no crosswalks for an eight-lane road, we decided it probably wasn’t a good idea to cross it. I wish I had more of an update, but it’s been a pretty rough two days. Hopefully tomorrow (and the rest of the hike) will be better.

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Comments 1

  • Charlotte : Jun 30th

    Praying for healing. Cannot imagine what it must be like 😕….


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