Decide What To Be And Go Be It: I’m Gonna Be A Thru-Hiker
I’m going to be a thru-hiker: no ifs, ands, or buts.
As my start date is getting closer, it hit me that I didn’t heed Zach Davis’ wise words of writing down the reasons I won’t give up during my thru-hike.
The thought of giving up hasn’t really crossed my mind, because honestly, it doesn’t even seem like an option. But a list to look back on during those cold, rainy, all-around sucky days never hurts.
A Dream Turned Reality
The thought of summiting Mt. Katahdin genuinely brings tears to my eyes. This is the number one reason I know that I’m not going to give up during this hike. I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever been so passionate about something that just the thought of completing it makes me emotional.
I want this with everything in me. I have a confidence in this trip that I don’t even have in my everyday life, and that is what is going to keep me moving.
I’m Going To Spin Class
Now this may seem like a dumb reason not to quit, but hear me out. I’ve been getting up and going to a spin class at 5:15 a.m. before work. I’m 21, athletic, and am in decent shape but that class kicks my butt. Compared to the hard-core bikers who go to that class (cough, cough, my boyfriend), I kind of suck at it. So if I’m going to get myself up that early to go make a fool of myself just to get in better shape for this trip, then I am not letting it go to waste.
I Need The Time To Think
I’m fresh out of college. I graduated early. I have a rough idea of what I want to do, but there are so many different routes I could go in terms of a career. I need these few months to decide what the heck I want to do with my life. Where do I want to live? Where am I going to apply for jobs? I don’t know, but I am planning on figuring it out on the trail. If I quit early, the realities of life will be a quick slap to the face and I won’t be as prepared as I want.
I’m Financially Invested
Instead of saving money to go toward an apartment, my car, etc., I’m spending it on gear. I’m a tightwad. I don’t excessively spend money, but boy has that changed with this trip. I’ve upgraded a lot of my backpacking gear. Trust me when I say that I wouldn’t invest more money in my gear if I thought I wasn’t going to make it.
Experiences Have Prepared Me
In my first blog post, I talked about how studying and living in Costa Rica helped me realize that I was going to hike the AT. I left out a pretty personal detail that I hadn’t planned on sharing, but it’s one of the biggest reasons I’m sure I can push through on the trail. Long story short, during my second week in Costa Rica, I was woken up by my 31-year-old host brother in my room trying to get into my bed. Luckily, my startled screams were enough to get him out of my room before the situation could escalate.
I was terrified and was given multiple opportunities to come home from both my university and my parents. Instead of going home, I chose to move in with a different family and I’m so glad I did. I got through a bad situation and ended up having some of the best experiences of my life. I’m taking that lesson with me on the AT.
Katahdin, Here I Come
So now that all of you strangers know my reasons for not quitting, I really can’t back out because that would just be embarrassing.
We’re counting down the days, folks. And I’m beyond ready.
Hasta luego friends,
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Comments 2
Good luck and enjoy your journey. It’s a life changer.
Will be looking for you. Also from, well very near, the mountains of western NC. Hiking with my son who graduated in May.