Did Someone Say Beer?

Day Three

Gooch Mountain Shelter to Woody Gap and into Dahlonega 4.8 miles – AT mile 20.5

Card of the day – The Moon

Yesterday evening at the shelter, I had the delight of trying to explain the difference between GB the British Islands and the UK.  It’s mind-blowing for us so no idea what my fellow travellers made of it.

Privy experience!

We need to talk about that privy!  Someone had had a bit of an explosion over it, I mean these things happen but for the love of god, please clean up after yourself!  It’s not fair on the rest of us!

We got into the shelter fairly early, so it was good to be able to just chill out in the sunshine, chat to other hikers, and enjoy life.

The hiking today was another collection of ups and downs but the recovery time after the ups is getting faster, and I feel like I’m hiking at a fairly steady pace just now, which is nice.

Elie suggested town beer and resupply, and beer is the magic word, so when we got to Woody Gap we had decided to get off trail for the night.

Walker who we have seen the last few days decided to come in with us which was nice.

At the gap there were some trail angles giving out food.  Whirled peas was a previous thru-hiker, and she and her crew offered to take us into town, which was really nice of them as it was 25 mins away.

Anyway we got a hotel room, had showers and went out for burgers and beers, followed by cards and more beers back at the hotel!

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