Andy’s and My Holiday Training Program
The holidays are upon us! Yeah…or not. Time has been devoted to cleaning, baking, cooking, decorating and so on in preparation for a house full of family and friends. I’m not complaining because I love this time of year! However, I found that I had little to no time for Andi and me to hike.
Dr. Steve, my husband the physical therapist :), came up with a solution for my dilemma…a six day/six week workout schedule to strengthen my core, increase my physical conditioning and help my wimpy knees. He also turned our garage into a gym for me. He made exercise boxes (cross fit?…I’m so out of touch today’s fitness) and a pull up bar with exercise bands to assist me with my pull-ups and squats.
I survived week one and am doing pretty good in week two. I never realized that for my entire adult life I had been doing squats completely wrong! Did you know that your knees should not be over your toes when you squat? I didn’t!
You are probably asking if I forgot about Andi during this holiday training schedule. Well as you can see in the video below, she has her own workout schedule. She runs the treadmill while I workout!
Below is my holiday exercise program in case you’re interested in trying it yourself (Compliments of Dr. Steve)
Day 1
99 Jumping Jacks, 99 Crunches, 99 Seconds Wall Sits, 99 Knee Lifts, 9 Push-ups
88 Jumping Jacks, 88 Crunches, 88 Seconds Wall Sits, 88 Knee Lifts, 8 Push-ups
77 Jumping Jacks, 77 Crunches, 77 Seconds Wall Sits, 77 Knee Lifts, 7 Push-ups
66 Jumping Jacks, 66 Crunches, 66 Seconds Wall Sits, 66 Knee Lifts, 6 Push-ups
55 Jumping Jacks, 55 Crunches, 55 Seconds Wall Sits, 55 Knee Lifts, 5 Push-ups
11 Minute Run
Day 2
3 Sets of:
10 Squats (All the way down)/5 Push-ups; 15 Squats/5 Push-ups; 20 Squats/5 Push-ups; 25 Squats/5 Push-ups; 30 Squats/5 Push-ups
Day 3
3 Sets of:
20 Box Jumps; “To Failure” Sit-ups w/ Twist; 20 Lunges; 20 Squats; “To Failure” Pull-ups; 10 Minute Run (Yes, that’s “3” 10 minute runs)
Day 4
3 Sets of:
20 Side Lunges; 40 Knee Lifts; 10 Squats; 20 Planks w/ Rotation; 10 Minute Run
Day 5
3 Sets of:
30 Flutter Kicks; 20 Sit-ups; 50 Jumping Jacks; 30 Planks w/ Leg Raises; 20 Heel Touches in Sit Up Position; 10 Minute Run
Day 6
3 Sets of:
50 Jumping Jacks; 20 Tricep Dips; 40 Squats; 50 Mountain Climbers; 20 Push-ups w/ Rotation; 20 Up & Down Planks (Elbow to Hands)
Day 7
Collapse with exhaustion
May You and Yours Have a Wonderful Holiday Season
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Comments 3
Thanks for the detailed workouts…I’m going to give it a shot! 🙂
Psst, … keep a VERY close eye on that Dr. Steve of yours. Husband you say? After seeing your workout list, I think he’s in it for the insurance money. THE MAN IS TRYING TO KILL YOU!! I’m fairly certain it wouldn’t take 6 days much less 6 weeks of that to kill me. Day 1 alone is enough that I’d probably break a hip or something. 385 jumping jacks? You much be 1) unemployed 2) mad 3) BOTH.
I was however looking for a workout schedule. I don’t even know what half of those listed are much less how to do them properly. Lounge? Plank? I lounge for pizza and eat it on the deck planks. I can’t even picture a heel touch in sit-up position. Your heels are near your butt and easy to reach from there; what’s the point for this one?
The rest I can google. The knees have me most worried. Dislocated one 10 yrs ago. Downhills are murder on it. After 1/2 an hour to an hour, the right one gets jealous and joins the party. The lateral collateral hurts. On the left knee there’s a bone spur and a flattened meniscus.
Now that’s a workout! You’re making me feel incredibly lazy, Victoria!