Favorite gear after one month on trail!
I’ve been on trail over one month now!!! What!! Wow!! So I thought I would share my 3 favorite pieces of gear so far! I’ll start from #3 to #1. And this could change by next month.
#3: Kula Cloth
A Kula cloth is a pee rag. So basically I don’t have to use toilet paper for going number 1! There is so much toilet paper I see on trail, I love that this reduces that. It really does help with leave no trace. And the founders of the Kula cloth are very funny! I love someone who has a good sence of humor!! So basically, after you go number one, just pat pat pat and boom dry! And they are so easy to wash also. I just wash them in a creek. I haven’t had any issue with them smelly bad or anything yet. When I am in town I will wash them in a sink as well. Very simple, good for the environment, and the founders are hilarious!
#2: My fanny pack
I have a 2.5 liter chicken tramper fanny pack. I could have probably gone with a 1 liter but you know… more snacks, I suppose lol! I like how the zipper is, it’s like a flap I can just fit everything in. I know that doesn’t make sense. But trust me this Fanny pack is awesomeness! I can fit so much stuff in here and then some. And they come in pretty cool colors. I have the matching shoulder strap. It’s also water proof! So win win!
#1: Hoka Speed Goats!
Number one for sure! I was with out them for a very sad 150ish miles. Now don’t get me wrong the shoes that I got when I got out of PA, they are wonderful. Just not for thru hiking. So my speed goats, weren’t new to begin with. And for some reason I thought all outdoor shops had hokas. Well all outdoor shops do not! So after I found out that the salamon speed cross 5s just weren’t for me. My husband went to my local outfitter, and sent me them!!! I love him! Thanks babe!!!! I mean the speed goats, it’s in their name greatest of all time! I’m so glad to be back in my speed goats!!
I’m trying to keep up with blogging on here, sometimes it can be hard. But when I can I will post. In the mean time I do post about a day on my Instagram page! Thanks for reading! Stay awesome!
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