
I debated, for longer than I care to admit,  about whether I had a fear or fears of leaving this life for the trail. Fears is the answer, obviously, I have a thousand, but so does everyone else stepping foot onto Springer this year. My fears are so countless that they have combined into a singular fear.

The List of Fears

Am I leaving too early?

Am I leaving too late?

Is my pack too heavy?

Sleep system too light?

Will I be able to sleep?

How in the hell am I going to shit in the woods?

Am I too old?

Can I really hike 2000+ miles?

Can my 70 year old father?

The list goes on and on. So yes, I have a thousand fears, but what I fear most is much more singular. I fear, fear. It’s the story of my life. I’ve reacted out of fear for far too long. Not anymore. The trail calls  and I must go.

It’s time for a simpler chapter.

What are your fears on the trail? Tell me in your comments below.

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Comments 1

  • Jeff Greene : Jan 23rd

    I’m so happy you said yes to your 70 year old father, and I’d hope I had the guts to say the same to mine, back when that was a possibility. My fear is: Can I really eat horrible backpacking food for days/weeks/months at a time?


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