for the love of pulque
A week till I’m walking. Holy crap.
Very nervous about my dodgy muscles and tendons, but feeling a bit more confident now I’ve cut the back off my right shoe and there’s no pressure on the tendon or heel. Seems I have Haglund’s deformity. So off comes the back of my shoe. No other option unless I want to do it in flip flops or barefoot! Roll on the ankle sprains.
Going to take the first 30 miles into Neel’s Gap very slowly, spending 5 days to do those 30 miles I hope, but I’ll do it in 20 if I need to!
My blog post on Easter Sunday will tell you all if I’m good to go or not.
One more week before saying hasta luego to my girlfriend, one more week of a comfy bed, one more week of hanging out and one more week of Mexican food and drink, one more week of warm weather, one more week of only having slightly stinky feet. Then 5-6 months of none or very little of the above.
Friday is my goodbye drinks. Los Insurgentes, Roma. Pulque, mezcal, good times. If you’re not living in Mexico or some hipster type who pays 1000% what you should in NY, you probably don’t know what pulque is. It’s a prehispanic fermented maguey plant sap. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m quite a fan. Check this place out when you visit Mexico.
I will have a baggie of dried chile de árbol in my backpack to spice things up a bit while I’m away, though I’m going to be missing all things Mexican. If you feel like sending me a litre of mezcal or a couple hundred grams of tamarind while I’m away don’t hesitate to ask me for an address to send it to!
Off to Atlanta at 1:45 on Sunday. Yikes!
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