Friends, Romans, Countrymen…
…Lend me your ears (reference Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar or Robin Hood: Men in Tights, depending on your persuasions). Oh geez, now I have your attention. I wasn’t ready. I just impulsively decided to say hello. Refocus. Refocus. OK, I got this.
My name is Jordana. Should we shake hands? No, that’s too formal. And besides, I hear that germs have the potential to spread like wildfire among Appalachian Trail thru-hikers. Oh, that’s right. That’s why I am (and presumably you are) here: to talk about hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Zach Davis, the mastermind behind this awesome AT-devoted website, has graciously added me to the docket of bloggers for the upcoming hiker season. And he suggested that I introduce myself by sharing what gets me pumped about the idea of a thru-hike. So, without further ado, and in no particular order:
- I’ve been working full-time and getting my masters in business in the evenings for the past three years. Everybody knows that an MBA is most valuable in the middle of the woods, and I intend to put that hard-earned education to work!
- I despise doing laundry, so the thought of wearing more or less one outfit for months at a time makes me jump for joy.
- With all the safety recommendations from friends, someone is sure to buy me a crossbow as a gift this holiday season, and I absolutely cannot wait to try out my new crossbow.
- I love free stuff. Walking = free.
- As a female approaching 30, I am concerned about how I look (just a little), and I hear that exfoliating with dirt really does wonders for the skin.
- Studies have shown that learning new things improves mental acuity as one ages. I’m getting old now, so I figure I should take this seriously. Since I’ve always been a car camper, learning to backpack most certainly qualifies.
- My ancestors wandered for forty years (in the desert…but still), so it’s kind of in the blood.
There are so many more reasons to hike the AT, but I don’t want to overwhelm you all at once. After all, we just met, and – this is kind of embarrassing, but we’ll be hanging out for quite a while…so it’s important – I don’t remember your name. I know you mentioned it. Can you tell me again?
Anyway, you can find me most of the time at my blog blathering on about gluten free food for the trail (yes, gluten free), gear shopping, training hikes, insecurities/concerns, and the like. I look forward to stopping in here every once in a while, but I’ll try to make sure I limit it to “important” topics so as not to inundate the local ether-waves (kind of like airwaves…just go with it).
I am so looking forward to hiking the Appalachian Trail and would love to have you along for the ride!
Meandering on,
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Comments 1
The Clash Royale, comme dans Clash of Clans prend sur la règle,
do not les prepares sont bien au-delà du petit royaume sur lequel ils exercent un contrôle.