Getting mATch fit

An introduction to me, I’m Katie a 33 year old chick from the deep south in New Zealand. In other words I’m a kiwi who rolls my rrr’s like a pirate.

When I was 15 I remember reading an article on the Pacific Crest trail in one of dad’s National geo magazine.

It automatically drew me in, I knew one day I also would become a thru hiker.

And just like that in 2019 I completed my first long distance thru hike; the PCT.

I’m a clumsy girl… a literal bloody mess. That’s how I got my trail name Bubblewrap. There is a story, and far too many examples of near misses to tell, but I’ll share that another day.

Anywhoo thru hiking felt so natural to me.

I recall putting out my dirt lathered thumb for my first hitch into town.

Having my first shower and watching in amazement as my thick dirt tan washed down the drain.

There are so many unforgettable firsts to mention and soon after being on trail, I became what was know in hiker terminology as “hiker trash”

I stopped wearing undies, and mastered the skill of being a female who could pee standing up.

I stopped wearing deodorant or make up because I think it is a waste of time and space.

I had 2 sets of clothes, my hiking clothes and my sleeping/ camp clothes. Three pairs of socks is one too many.

Once I completed the PCT, I started dreaming of my next thru hike and in 2023 I completed the CDT.

To put it simply there is nothing that compares to the freedom of thru hiking.

It’s like herpes, a disease, it spreads like wild fire, it’s contagious.

It’s like a slice of pie from pie town, 1 taste is never enough, you always want more.

The hikers and the trail community are one big family. For several months we have each other’s backs.

I’ll stop there and fast forward to the present time;
It’s summer in New Zealand and I’m doing some small weekend hikes in between work to get ready for the AT 2025.

So hold on tight to your talenti jars, strap on your ridiculously light packs and sit back with a bag of flamin’ hot Daritos because 2025 as things are about to get spicy. 

Instagram: katie_bee91 
My first thru hike PCT 2019 NOBO

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Comments 3

  • Roy Arbon : Dec 29th

    I am doing the Appalachian trail also in 25 and I live on the west coast nz

  • Steve Jewell : Dec 30th

    Yo, Katie! Completing the oldest of three great American thru-hikes in 2025 will be an awesome achievement. Capping it off with the Trans America Trail will be stupendously incredible! When we found our current home mid-year of 2021, we really had no idea how lucky we were – it is ON the TAT and an easy 3-minute walk from the AT! So in 2022 we opened our home as a trekkers’ hostel and have been blessed beyond measure with some of the planet’s most wonderful adventurers. We’d love to host you at BeeChHill {or at least get to meet you}, during your 2025 USA expedition. Regardless, we’re thrilled for what lies ahead for you and wish you the very best! – Beth and YeeHa (Troutville, VA)

  • Jess : Jan 2nd

    “I stopped wearing undies, and mastered the skill of being a female who could pee standing up.” 😂 This line is great.


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