Goodbye For Now
Quick Updates: Hiked with my grandpa, 1000 miles, mental half way point, survived first thunderstorm in my tent, finished Virginia in 30 days
Today will more than likely be the last day that I will spend hiking with my mini hiking family of Toast and Dill. After visiting my friend in Washington D.C. my brother will be joining me for the rest of the summer which will put us apart. To give you an idea of what it is like to say goodbye to them, here is what I would say.
Since mile 389.3 at Overmountain Shelter we have been hiking together and now at mile 1023.1 we are going our seperate ways. For nearly 700 miles we have been together and as you know, so many things can happen in that time. We have seen each other at our worst moments and at our best, but most of all we have been there each day and night for each other no matter what the circumstances.
For the first 300 miles or so, I drifted between many different little clics, but always desired to keep moving and if I’m being honest, I thought the same would happen after a couple of weeks, but a couple of weeks turned into almost a month and a half.
You have taught me to smile and that ‘every day is a good day to have a good day’. When I am focused only on the task at hand you remind me to stop, enjoy the views, and live in the moment. You’ve allowed me to share your groceries, your hotel rooms and your hearts with me. Thank you.
Thank you for the companionship that you shared with me even when I probably was in the least of friendly moods. Thank you for only complaining very minimally about the smell of my farts. Thank you for sharing part of your hike with me. Thank you most for loving me as me.
I will miss you both very much and the functional dysfunctionality that our family enjoyed. Make sure to try and use Pen-Dexter’s ‘reasoning brain’ whenever you feel overwhelmed and don’t be a stranger, you may never know, the trail may bring us back together, but if it doesn’t, happy trails my friends.
Of course words don’t fully capture the feelings and emotions that come with goodbye, but for now this will do.
Until next time.
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