Hello from a cold Kansan
Hello fellow thru-hiker classmates of 2013 and armchair adventurers. My name is Adam and I have been asked by Zach to share my AT adventure with all of you. I suppose my adventure starts many years ago when a good friend and college roommate of mine were dreaming of awesome adventures to take. We talked about hiking and canoeing at various areas of the US. I had never heard of the AT and decided to read up on it. At that point I was soon to graduate college and begin the life of a hard working adult leaving his mark on society. A lifetime later, or at least it seems, I have decided to leave it all behind and head off for a more simple trail life.
The what is pretty simple to explain. Thru-hike the AT with a map, a simple plan and a sense of adventure.
That, my friends, will be figured out at the end of the adventure. The only thing I do know now is that way deep down I am meant to hike the AT.
My name is Adam Nutting I am a web designer / developer by trade avid backpacker, Eagle Scout and cancer survivor in life. I hail from Kansas and as of right now I do not have a trail name. The plan is to be named by the trail.
To keep tabs on my adventure check beck here often or check out my blog HikingTheTrail.com. Also I am on pretty much every social network as hikingthetrail so friend fan follow and lets connect.
Happy Trails
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