Hello from Montana
Hiya! I’m Montana.
Ironically, my name means “mountain,” and mountains are my obsession.
…so are rocks. I’ve been a climber for five years now.
I want to complete the Triple Crown of Hiking, and I believe that the Appalachian Trail is the perfect start. The East Coast is my point of origin—the mountains, sandstone, and oak trees have shaped who I am.
…also, backpacking is my excuse to be homeless, walk through epic landscapes, and constantly munch on fatty foods.
I’m currently taking a semester off from college. I’m thru-hiking the A.T. with my boyfriend Lucas. We’re goofs.
I am majoring in Creative Writing.
I like to write about the things that I like. Crazy, right?
So that’s my intro–simple, like how my days will be during my thru-hike.
The goal is to drop a few steps on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and for five months, just enjoy the simple things like warm mac and cheese after a long day.
My start is mid-March, and boy, I can’t wait to experience it all, and share with you guys what I learn.
I’ll keep ya posted.
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