Hey, Let’s Be Friends (So You Can Help Me Find a Trail Name)
The Basics
So, I guess you all should know who I am considering you’ll be reading all about my life on the trail. My name is Eiryn Reynolds (pronounced Erin, but my parents wanted to make things a little difficult I guess) and I am currently a Photojournalism Major at Gardner-Webb University. I am graduating in December 2017 and am planning on thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail starting in March of 2018.
But of course I am…I wouldn’t be here if i wasn’t, would I?
Since I’ve been young, I’ve been an avid hiker and traveler. I was bit by the travel bug at a super young age, and have had the incredible chance to travel to a few places in Europe, and most recently, was able to study abroad/live in Costa Rica for a month. I have been hiking all of my life (living in a small town at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains kind of forces this upon you) but have really started backpacking the past two years.
So why the AT?
I have been enthralled by the Appalachian Trail for a while, but have always seen it as something that only the best of the best could achieve. But you know that Costa Rica trip I mentioned before? That’s finally what made me realize that I wasn’t going to let the opportunity to hike the AT slip by. Once you live in a foreign country barely even being able to speak the local language when arriving, you kind of realize you’re capable of doing SO MUCH MORE than you previously may have thought.
But what else should you know about me?
I’m 21, I really enjoy photography (so you know, if you want to see some sweet pics there’s another reason to follow my blog), I have a Great Pyrenees/Australian Shepherd mix who is quite possible the most ‘cat-ish’ dog I’ve ever met, I started a granola business, I am a sub-par runner, a VERY sub-par cyclist, and basically just dabble in everything I could possibly try because…why not?
Let’s Break Down This Blog
So if you want to know all about:
.Prepping for the AT while trying to graduate college
.Different Gear
.My dog
.How to get physically/mentally prepped for the AT
.Life (vague, right?)
.Outdoor Photography
and of course, the actual act of thru-hiking 2,181 miles, make sure to check in here!
I would love for you all to be a part of what’s going on these upcoming months and hope that what you see could inspire the next set thru-hikers! Cliche…maybe…but really, I hope at least one person following my journey can be motivated to do something way out of their comfort zone.
Also, my trail name is TBD so if anyone has some killer ideas send them my way.
Hasta Luego friends,
Eiryn (Trail name coming soon)
If you want to see a more steady stream of trail pics, check out eirynreynolds on Instagram!
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Comments 14
Yes, my goal was to make sure you never had a pencil with your name on it ?
I will be an AT Widower (for 6 or so months) in 2018 as my better-half commences her journey from GA to Maine. You two each have the same spirit albeit some years apart. I admire your spirit and sense of adventure and wish you the best of luck. One step at a time and before you know it you will be summiting Mt. Katahdin.
Embrace the adventure, Chud.
Chud, thanks so much for the kind words! Wishing the best of luck to your better half, and who knows, maybe we’ll run into each other on the trail!
Photojournalism Major, huh? The bar has been set incredibly high. Looking forward to following along, Eiryn.
No pressure at all.. kidding of course. Thanks Zach! Stoked to be apart of the team!
Eiryn, I beleive that other through hikers give you your trail name. It is my belief that if you camp with people, (with the same mindset), they gain insight to you. They would give you a trail name, with their “eyes”. Your pup too, if you bring him/her. Best of Luck, TBD
Roy, thanks for the comment! I know a lot of people like to pick their own names before heading on the trail, but you’re right…I think most people end up getting named something else once they meet other hikers!
Unfortunately, my pup will not be hiking with me. I love her dearly but man, she is lazy.
Imma hit you up on Instagram. Look for me @designpassion and I have a food article up if it helps with your food prep ideas for the A.T. – good luck have fun.
Joshua, yes, I saw your Instagram! I’m definitely going to have to have to look at your food prep ideas, I need more options than my standard mashed potatoes!
Hi! I’m starting my through hike then too! Maybe I’ll see you on the trail 🙂
Best of luck in your preparations
Kasey, best of luck to you as well! Hopefully we’ll run into each other!
Ranger at Amicalola named me. I had called a few times looking for information. He said, I remember you. You the guy with two last names. (My first name is a common last name… obviously). So, I’m going with it until I am properly named. From the tiny bit I already know, I’d call you Spelling. Something better might come to mind if we sat around the same camp site one evening. I’ll be starting somewhere from March 2nd to 10th, depending on my driver’s schedule. If you let me get a head start, you’ll catch me in no time.
I’m from the South, so you can call me Two Last. I like it because if you hear it but don’t see it written down, you might think it has something to do with making it all the way to Khatadin.
Two Last Names
Two Last Names,
Thanks for the suggestion! Who knows, maybe we’ll run into each other on the trail and we can see if Spelling sticks! Best of luck on your hike!
Trail name: Pixzee