Why Hike?
Journal entry August 2014
August 5, 2014
We have been following the blog of the Kallin family, A Family Adventure of the 2,185 mile hike from Georgia to Maine – 2014
I am totally in awe of this family–mom, dad, two small children (ages 9 and 7), and the family dog who are hiking the entire trail! I can’t imagine undertaking such a huge journey on foot with such young children– and a dog! These kids are amazing! Can you imagine being that young and having that kind of accomplishment under your belt? Oh my, what a confidence builder!
This is just one of many posts by the Kallin family that resonates with me:
Why We Hike
“Sometimes the awe and beauty of the mountains can stop you in your tracks, erase all from your mind that is not present in that moment, and focus you on the here-and-now in a way not readily achieved in our daily lives. Like the runner’s high achieved by the long distance runner, it is a euphoric trance that centers you in the moment and in the world. It is the restorative power of wilderness and the reason so many work so hard to protect such wilderness experiences. In the early evening hours, as we crested Carter’s Dome, we were treated to a divine display of sun and clouds as the realm of the Appalachian Trail and surrounding mountains stretched out before us. This is why we hike.”
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