A Fresh New Start

It’s been about 8 months since I’ve ventured onto the AT.

Last year, I decided to quit my job and head out onto the trail. This was the craziest decision I’ve ever made, but after overcoming some really big obstacles, such as grief and trauma, I wanted to do something incredible. I wanted to finally make some good memories.

My entry into adulthood has not been easy and I wasn’t quite sure what to do once the fog finally started to clear. But I decided to start simple, and do the most basic thing a bi-pedal mammal can do ~ go for a walk. And as I found the benefits of walking to help me both physically and mentally, I started to walk more and more, and further and further.

And the joy it brought/brings me made me wonder… is there something I can do with this? 

And then I remembered someone from my past mentioning something about the Appalachian Trail. At the time, I thought they were crazy. But then I did some research on it and found it to be so inspiring. 

Honestly, it felt like a dream or something unattainable… but if other people are doing it, then why can’t I? And so, I saved up as much money as I could over the period of a year, picked a date, and set off to go.

On March 16th, 2024, I set off on the trail. I still have an article detailing my experience on the approach trail- I did make it through the smokies to Standing Bear but some things happened and I had to get off the trail.

C’est la vie.

After I got off the trail, I went through what felt like grief. I missed the community, being outdoors all the time, trail towns, and pretty much every aspect of it. I didn’t really know how to process my emotions. It’s really confusing and I was so disoriented. However, I knew I made the right decision.

And although 2024 wasn’t the year for me, I decided that it would be in 2025.

I feel way more confident this year. I’ve continued to grow a lot and work on personal goals such as going to the gym every day, eating a well-balanced diet, and going back to therapy. I’ve also done even more research on gear/preparedness, stayed in contact with friends who hiked last year & got their advice. This is not to say that other people need to do this as well, but for me, it is essential. I am a slow learner and I always have been, so having that safety net is really important. I am so thankful for all those who have helped and/or supported me.

I don’t really have a set date this year, but I do know I will be heading out in April. I look forward to this fresh start and am so grateful that The Trek is allowing me this opportunity.

See you all out there!

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Comments 8

  • Jess : Jan 27th

    Smiles! Congrats on all of the awesome work you’ve been doing this year to prepare for your upcoming thru-hike. I always say that the pre-hike is just as important as the hike itself. An awesome opportunity to reflect on your life and what changes you need to make NOW to accomplish a big goal LATER. Hope you’ve been enjoying all the positive life changes, and are just getting more and more excited for your April departure!

    • Smiles : Feb 7th

      Hi Jess!! Thank you so much for this response. Totally agree that it’s been essential for me to have some time to reflect and make important changes. I am so excited to head back out there! 🙂

  • Elayna Simmons : Jan 27th

    Hi Smiles! Will you be picking up where you left off? Maybe we’ll run into each other, I’m starting at Springer 2nd week of March!

    • Smiles : Feb 7th

      Hey Elayna! I am going to be totally re-starting and will be at Springer the first week of April, so you will be a bit ahead of me. But it would be cool if we were able to run into each other at some point! Maybe trail days?

  • Fun Size : Jan 27th

    Smiles, I love your resilience!! Life doesn’t always go according to plan, so the great people can adjust and tackle their goals a different way. Good for you. I’ll hope to see you on the trail.

    • Smiles : Feb 7th

      Hi Fun Size! Thanks for responding to my post. I agree that life doesn’t always go as planned, but I’m stoked to give the AT another go! I hope to see you out there as well.

  • Jenn D : Feb 7th

    Hi Smiles! You inspire me and I hope your hike this year is all you want it to be. Hope I get to run into you somewhere along the trail.Good luck out there!

    • Smiles : Feb 7th

      Hi Jenn! That is very kind of you to say!! I hope to see you out there as well. Best of luck! 🙂


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