I Challenge You…
2024 Attempted Thru-Hike Reflection
It’s hard to believe that over a year ago, I was preparing to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. The only backpacking experience I had at the time was when I was serving with Americorps. I had no idea how constantly moving would impact my body nor how I would change in my way of thinking. I had no idea how to safely pace myself. I struggled with planning food drops or how resupply even worked. I started with gear that wasn’t right for me. Needless to say, I had no idea what I was getting myself into nor what I was doing for a solid three weeks into hiking. Despite not making it to Mount Katahdin, I wouldn’t consider my lack of making it to the end as a failure. Failure is merely another word for growth if you use the right mindset. While I fell short of my initial goal, I still grew. Grew as a person and grew in my skills.
I won’t go in depth about how the trail has changed me or how I’ve been doing since my attempt. Frankly, the trail wasn’t that impressionable. I don’t look back on those months with happiness or disappointment. It’s all a blur, really. The memories are still there and I am constantly bombarded with them. Both the high and the low.
I will say this though: I take pride in the fact that I tried something completely foreign to me and finding the strength along the way to push past fears of the unknown and still feel excitement. I see and hear how people wait and wait for the right moment. Sometimes for so long that they physically can’t do what they wanted to do in the first place. News flash, the right moment will never come. I should have been trying to find a permanent job and starting a career. I should have started to settle down, not galavant in the woods for months at a time. I didn’t even have a good amount of funds to do what I did. If you are constantly looking for what could go wrong, you’ll find them and it will limit you. To be transparent, I am really good at finding limits and shoving myself into a box. I am not a carefree and reckless spirit; I actually move quite cautiously.
I Challenge You…
As 2024 comes to an end and the great and terrifying unknowns for 2025 begin, I challenge you to look at your fears with honesty and fight them. I feared that my lack of knowledge and heavier build would hold me back from even attempting a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Now, I’m not telling you to hike in the woods. We all struggle with different things. If you struggle with seeing constant apathy in the workplace, show you are worthy of being human by feeling empathy. If you’ve been really wanting to travel to another country, but fear not knowing the culture or the language, don’t just wish and dream. Start making definitive plans and do research. A motto I strive to live by is ‘seek discomfort.’ We aren’t meant to live life constantly contained in a box. Did you know that the average lifespan for someone living in the United States is 78 years? That means middle age is only 39. Scary isn’t it? Know your fears and fight against the unknown because who wants to be contained for their entire life? As far as we know, we only have one short life on this planet, so live. Don’t just survive.
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Comments 10
I am a kiwi who is going to attempt the AT stating after Easter25.I will be going NOBO
Great post, Morgan! To seek discomfort is so important for growth: mentally, spiritually, physically. You got off the trail before Katahdin. So what! You got out there and DID something!
Happy New Year!!!
it was very nice and amazing on this side. how can I join here on this side?
A very insightful, reflective post. Thank you for returning to it.
It sounds like you got a whole lot out of your experience! May it carry you through all times
Great to get an update from you. Best wishes and Happy Trails.
Well said – seize the day! Thank you for the update.
Love challenging myself and love to do the unknown. Due to current career gotta wait 8 more years till I retire to attempt a through hike.
I was so excited to see your update!! You were the only blogger I followed on the trail in 2024. I know you had a hard time when you lost your trail family and my heart broke for you when you decided to leave the trail. Here’s to “continue living and seeking discomfort “.
Good on ya Morgan! My 1st time on the AT was 3 weeks in September ’24. It ended with a really sore shoulder and an understanding of how unprepared I was. As it turns out 20’s, 30’s or 60’s like me, hiking the trail is a life lesson on itself. I’m heading back in ’25, mostly to finish the VA leg, and will hike with a group this time. Keep up the good work, the hard work and especially the personal work.
“I challenge you to look at your fears with honesty and fight them.” GREAT line! Thanks for sharing this 🙂