I Don’t Want to Leave
Yes. I don’t want to leave the Broken Fiddle Hostel. My bed is so comfortable. I’m so cozy in my current state. I have a diner within walking distance. I might go in a bit to eat breakfast. Life is so simple here in Damascus. Yesterday I took a nap on a rocking chair on the sidewalk of town. Walked through an art store and strolled down the sidewalk as kids played on front lawns. Dollar general is affordable. Can’t imagine going back to DC and spending almost triple on groceries at Whole Food. People are so kind here. And it’s quiet in town. No police cars or ambulances. Silence. I will have to leave though because if I zero here, I may never want to leave. Sad.
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Comments 2
Keep going brother… Great post and great meeting you on the trail in the Smokies. Good Luck as you head for Katahdin. We will be back on trail in June, but way behind. Really enjoy your post and using some of the info to enhance our adventures. We will keep reading and celebrate your finish. God bless.
I always wanted to hike the Appalachian trail but life’s trials and age, I’m now 63 and taking care of my sick wife,bed ridden son and two austic grandsons. So it’s great living vicariously through you. Best of luck with your adventures. Thanks so much for your post. Keep them coming,I feel like I’m there.