I Got My Trail Name!!
Goodbye Maryland!
Day 5
Smooth, the trail angel, dropped me back off at Pen Mar park. I was out to do 15.3 miles today to Rocky Mountain shelter. Deep End ended up taking a zero, so we went on out separate ways.
I saw a bunch of day hikers and section hikers. Make friends with them! They usually have extra food they are willing to share ??. Today was pretty nice! I stopped and had lunch at chimney cliffs??? Maybe? I can’t remember the actual place. But it was something cliffs. I hiked some with WayFair, he is super fast and super funny! That was actually the 3rd time I ran into him. There was only one other thru hiker at the shelter that night. Inferno!!!! He is really cool, and almost done with his flip flop thru. Here is a picture of the cliffs. That’s my “I’m a little too close to the edge” face.
Mood today is good, feet were starting to hurt a little. Nothing too bad though. Ready to adventure!
Day 6
Rocky Mountain shelter to Thru It All hostel. 3 miles self supported, 7 miles slack packing.
Today sucked!!!!! My first real sucky day on trail. Let me tell you why! Ohhh but I did get a trail name. It’s wrong way….. I go the wrong way a lot! A whole lot! Any way. So I started my cycle today… And then I didn’t get out of camp until NINE THIRTY FIVE!!!
So once I left camp at 935… I went the wrong way, I figured it out about .2 tenths of a mile. So that was very frustrating, what else could go wrong? So I was like, how can I make my day better? Thru It All has private rooms for 50 dollars and offer slack packing. So that was my plan!
So now I’m on the phone with Thru It All hostel, and somehow I get turned around again!!! I’m talking to them, and go right past the shelter. I didn’t even see it! So now I’m all excited I got my room and heading to the hostel.. So I thought.
Well now I see Rooster! And he is awesome! I was wondering though why he was going south bound!!! ?? I was like OMG heeyyy Rooster!! He was like you know you are going the wrong way. I was like wow you have got to be kidding me!! That’s the 2cd time today! Rooster just thought I was so happy he was behind me I back tracked! I was like noo I’m just going the wrong way again! Lol!! And so he dubbed thee Wrong Way!
So I finally got to the hostel, but first I had to stop at the BBQ place. OMG mouth is drooling thinking about it. Anyway, Paw and Seeker there. There was also kittens!
So from there Thru It All dropped me off about another 7 miles up, and I walked back down to the hostel. So I did about 10ish miles today. Not too bad for how the day started lol!
I also met Savage, a NOBO who passed me up. But not without scaring each other! I still laugh at that. I was just eating some food moseying along, and I didn’t see him before it was too late. I jumped, he jumped we both jumped! I then saw him at the BBQ place, and another time while I was slack packing!
So even though today started suckkkkyyyy and did get better!
Thanks for reading!
I post daily on Instagram when I have service. The_sammi_show
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Comments 2
Yes, I do remember Chimney Rocks (Cliff?) — hiked the thing, then 2147 miles, back some 30 years ago.
Like you? — after no longer working then.
Now? — have my own little forest — Kansas Tree Farmer of the Year 2016.
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