I’m on my way Springer!

   It’s just totally surreal to me that everything has come together and I’ll actually start hiking the Appalachian Trail April 13th! I’ll take a greyhound up to Gainesville, Georgia on the 11th at midnight and will be staying at the Hiker Hostel on the 12th who will be shuttling me to Amicalola Falls State Park and the start of the Appalachian Trail. I’m still undecided on whether or not I’ll do the approach trail. I’m pretty indecisive so I’ll probably wont have a definitive answer till that morning but I’m  sure it’ll be a good warmup.

   Yesterday was my final day working at West Orange Cinema and I was filled with a slew of emotions. I’ve worked there nearly a decade and have met so many amazing people while working there. My employers and coworkers treated me as family and unbeknownst to them have helped shape me into the man I am today. So it’s incredibly sad for me to be leaving them but I’ll always be eternally grateful for everything they’ve taught and done for me.

I got to admit it though. I’m extremely excited to get this adventure started! I’ve spent about a year planning for it since I needed to save up money while out on trail and coordinate things like how I’ll get from the trail to Bonnaroo and back again as well as how to resupply my medicine on the trail with my neurologist. Oh yeah I’ve got epilepsy by the way. As far as medicine goes I’ll be carrying a 3 month supply with me while on trail and then resupplying at a local pharmacy with the help of my neurologist, my trusted AWOL and some forward thinking.

There’s only a few more days for me to say my final goodbyes to all of my friends and family but I want you all to know that I’ll be thinking of all of you while I’m out there. All of you inspire me and each one of you have given me strength in some of my most difficult times. Thank you all for everything. Let the adventure begin!

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Comments 1

  • KT : Apr 2nd

    best of luck!


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