This picture is from my day 2 of this backpacking adventure! In March the weather went from misty foggy spring to an icey slushy wintery mix and I was fucked. Like completely fucked. My sleeping bag was soaked, my feather down jacket was soaked, I was convulsing and shivering in FreeChild’s sleeping bag when Nurse Jackie and Young Gun invited me to dry my gear at Nurse Jackies parents place in GA, I remember smiling while convulsing and saying, “It’s okay guys, I’m fine!” while my sleeping bag is hanging from the shelter dripping wet. They flat out told me; “You have great spirit, but you are not going to be fine in the morning, come home, dry your gear, have a hot meal and a hot shower.” How could I run away from that? The A.T. will always bring me to tears with the amazing amount of unconditional kindness that hikers/friends give. Everyone is so readily willingly to lend a helping hand and make life easier for one another, it’s beautiful and I love it. And here I am now, being indecisive about whether to Flip Flop north from NY or turn around and walk home (south bound) back to Maryland.
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