Worst Blogger Ever…
So, I’ve successfully thru hiked the Appalachian Trail. It’s absolutely crazy to be able to say that… You guys probably wouldn’t have noticed sine my last blog post was in March back in Helen, Georgia…the very first town you can go into on the trail. I was probably the absolute worst at posting blogs while on trail, I get it. I’m sorry!
Keeping it Short and Sweet
I’m posting this blog to show my 35mm film photos from the trail. I carried two cameras while on trail one was a digital FujiFilm mirror-less camera and the other was a old 35mm Nikon SLR camera. I carried the 35mm on two sections the first was from Waynesboro, VA thru Shenandoah National Park to Harper’s Ferry, WV and the last section from Lyme, NH to Katahdin. Film has always been a passion for me, I started shooting 35mm when I was a freshman in high school and ever since, I’ve been hooked. There were a total of 180 photographs shot on film. Over 800 miles. These are the cream of the crop from those 180. Enjoy!
Black Rocks, Shenandoah National Park.
Our first view in West Virginia.
1000 miles under our sore feet.
Shenandoah sunsets.
2-Soles enjoying a smoke on top of Black Rocks in SNP.
White Blaze In the Shenandoah National Park.
Shenandoah valley sunset.
Reminiscence of the forest fire in Shenandoah National Park.
Waterboy in Shenandoah National Park.
Lake Groton, Vermont.
Seeing Moosilauke in the distance.
Summit of Mount Moosilauke.
My dad giving Water-Boy a hair cut.
Climbing up Kinsman Mountain.
Franconia Ridge.
The Presidentials.
Drying gear out.
Mount Washington from Lake of the Clouds Hut.
Pocahontas at the summit of Washington.
Sunset from Mount Liberty.
Pocahontas on the summit of Kinsman Mountain.
Baldplate Mountain in Maine.
Baldplate mountain in all its glory.
Waterfall along the trail in Maine.
2-Soles & Pocahontas eating before we night hike down Kinsman.
Pocahontas in the Whites.
Smoke rising out of Pinkham Notch.
Our duck friend in Rangley, Maine.
Water-Boy getting out of the wind to eat some Reese’s, probably.
Veiws for days.
Kimo-sabi and a section hiker in Maine.
Pocahontas swimming at one of the best swimming holes on the AT.
Maine Wilderness.
Maine, we get it you’re beautiful.
Stay on trail, especially in the alpine zone.
Pleasant Pond Mountain.
Hiking in the clouds.
Sea Plane on Rangely Lake.
Constantly drying gear out in the sun.
The perfect white blaze.
2,000 miles.
Waterfall in the 100 Mile Wilderness.
Keep Maine Green!
Taking in the views.
100 Mile Wilderness.
Wild rivers.
Our one and only ford on the entire Appalachian Trail.
Climbing Katahdin.
Welcome to Tableland of Katahdin.
We’re coming for you Katahdin!
Pocahontas letting out some emotion on completing her thru-hike on top of Katahdin.
My friend Tinker, this photo was taken just moments before he got on the bus to go home. The face of a successful 70 year old thru hiker.
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Comments 2
You may have slacked on posting, but these photo’s were well worth the wait.
I’m going to look at these often.
OMG! Thank you for posting Tinker’s picture!! We hiked through most of VA, PA, and the last time we saw him was at the Bear Mountain Inn in NY. We were wondering if he made it.
-The Splendid Monkey King & Chex