Just another misty day

Day 59

Vandeventer Shelter to Double Spring Shelter 14.5 miles – AT mile 452.5

Card of the day – XIII Death

After the lightning of last night I was woken by rain just after 6am, today was gona suck.

Camp for the night had been under a Rhododendron bush.  I’m amazed at the places you can find and just how comfortable you can make them.  My little tent has become my haven at the end of the day.

I was all packed up and out by 930, it was another one of those misty mornings that just suck you in, but at least it’s not cold.

There were lots of hills for what was supposed to be a flat day.  I really need to stop trusting either fellow hikers or the guide app when they suggest any thing other than hills to start the day.

By 12 the sun was braking through, but I’d already passed some of the view spots.

After lunch I passed a hermit monument.  Some chap called Nick had apparently lived out his days on the top of a mountain with a pet rattlesnake!  I can see the appeal to a degree.

After some tough climbs it finally leveled out and you pass through a series of meadows with some nice views, especially if you take the time to turn back and look.

Before you know it you reach the shelter.  I was in camp by 5, got my tent set up and ate some dinner.  Just the normal day really.

Long day tomorrow 18.5 miles to Damascus.

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