Just Look for the Helpers
I was reading comments from my last entry and realized how many different perspectives we all have based on our preferences and our experiences. It’s so wonderful that we have each other to relate to and learn from.
Helpers (aka Trail Angels)
One thing I’ve learned from the hiking community is that there are a lot of Helpers. Most people I have crossed paths with genuinely want to offer their assistance, whether that’s physically or emotionally or even just to provide some information. I have been offered a hand, a foot, a protein bar, a map, a cell phone, a smile, and even some toilet paper. I’m pretty sure the list of things I’ve received is endless.
When this assistance presents itself in the form of trail magic, we call these Helpers – Trail Angels.
When reading through the comments here, I can’t help but wonder why people say the things they do sometimes. Do they not read what I wrote? Are they coming from a place of superiority/ego? Do they think I’m doing something wrong? Are they trying to protect me? Educate me? What inspires them to take the time to connect? The possibilities are many and yet, I can’t assume that I know.
So then, instead of trying to decipher it, and figure it all out, I recall a quote from Mr. Rogers:
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
Mr. Rogers
Seeking Evidence
I really do think we are all trying to help. I have found the most evidence of that trail. I entered the backpacking community eight years ago, and I am consistently amazed at the generosity, compassion, and kindness of fellow hikers.
Sure, there are exceptions- but they are exceptions to the overwhelmingly genuine people out there. Remembering this as I read through comments will be a practice. It’s something I also practice in my day-to-day life.
I find the Helpers.
I see the kindness.
I receive the compassion.
I feel the love.
Then … I pay it forward.
And I hope others see this in my actions too.
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