AT Class 2014 – Bringing Up The Rear
No, I’m not talking about butts. I’m talking about beginning a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail on April 5, which seems late compared to all of those who have probably already completed nearly 300 miles of the trek.
Oh! Excuse me. Let me introduce myself before I get too far off on a tangent:
The name is Kayla Carter.
Born 1989, began my pedagogical journey in 1994, graduated high school 2007, graduated from college 2011, worked a few jobs within my major for two years, and now …
I’m going forth to attempt the great Appalachian trek in 2014.
After completing the steps society has required of many, I found myself in a vortex of monotony. My mission is to turn my life into something more meaningful and joyful. I believe the Appalachian Trail will eventually lead me on to a new life path and teach me the skills necessary to navigate through it.
Please note that I’m not alone in this adventure. My boyfriend Noah has played an integral role in making this life experience happen. (And, countless others have supported us, too.)
Still, this AT adventure is about going after what we really want in life, not what everyone else thinks we should to do.

Noah hiking to see Uncle Nick Grindstaff’s monument on Appalachian Trail near Iron Mountain earlier this year.
This was the most opportune time for both of us to embark on this exciting journey.
I am burnt out on newspaper journalism and he just graduated college.
Noah supported me while I gnashed at the idea of moving out of my apartment three months early — I was able to save extra money for the AT by doing this. And, he gave me the utmost support recently when I quit my job as a reporter for the local newspaper. Although I’ll miss that fast-paced lifestyle, I think the AT will be just the reprieve I need.
I’m hoping to discover the best direction in which I should take my life.
For right now, I’ve got big plans for this blog.
You can expect some posts in the future about the gear we are packing, dehydrating food, a fundraiser for an East Tennessee Unitarian Universalist church,
AND all the fun that will ensue along the AT this year.
I can’t wait for all of you to tag along via the Internet.
What a wacky, advanced and technological age we live in now. More on that later.
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