You know you’re a thru hiker when…

A headlamp is considered an accessory *this picture is a week after finishing the trail*

A headlamp is considered an accessory *this picture is a week after finishing the trail*


There are no leftovers!

There are no leftovers!


 it's okay to talk about pooping during meals (well really ANY time)

It’s okay to talk about poop during meals (well really ANY time)


Better than money on trail!

You’ll bargain with someone for a Q-tip!


Every tree is a privy!!!!

Every tree is a privy!!!!


•three seconds is no longer the rule for dropped food (true story: pizza found at a shelter in a ziplock was deemed acceptable despite there being no way of knowing how long it had been there)

Three seconds is no longer the rule for dropped food.              ** True story: pizza found at a shelter in a ziplock was deemed acceptable despite there being no way of knowing how long it had been there! **



Red squirrels are extremely vocal and territorial. Watch out!

You argue with red squirrels because you can!


•anything over 0.2 off trail seems to far too travel by foot - unless it's for good food or beverage, and even than...

Anything over 0.2 off trail seems too far to travel by foot – unless it’s for good food or beverage, and even than…


Friendships are formed in an hour!!! A random group of hikers who came together to celebrate the first 100 miles!

Friendships are formed in an hour!!!
*A random group of hikers who came together to celebrate the first 100 miles!*



Your socks can stand on their own (most likely walk too)!!

Your socks can stand on their own (most likely walk too)!!


You can sleep anywhere!

You can sleep anywhere!


Saves on gas

Your thumb is a mode of transportation



You are ecstatic about ordering a case of single serving Spam


You can fit your life in a pack!

You can fit your life in a pack!

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Comments 3

  • Alix Hinnegan : Dec 2nd

    I like this so much! Creative and funny!

    • Gator Tater : Jan 18th

      and oh so true!!!


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