Let’s Be Real: I’m a Little Anxious (About Adulting and the AT)
Y’all…life is hitting me
Usually my posts are tips and tricks that I’ve been attempting to live by but can I just be honest with you guys? Realities are hitting me right now and the anxiety is REAL.
I’m graduating from college this Saturday (Woo!) and while that’s super exciting, the question of “what’s next?” is constantly hovering over my head. Whenever someone finds out that I’m graduating early, they automatically assume that I have this awesome job lined up, but nope! I’m taking off from the real world and I’m going on a **freaking awesome** adventure.
Once they finish the “oh, I wish I would have done something like that when I was younger!” stuff, it’s always followed by questions of my job future after the trail.
Spoiler Alert: I have no idea, let’s not talk about it
I’m one of those people who believes that you should do what makes you happy and kind of just let life take its course…but that’s mostly because I can’t stand the idea of sitting down and planning things out.
So now that I’m done with school work, and am just waiting to officially be done with college, it’s hitting me that this is really happening.
I’m done with school, I don’t have a job lined up, and I’m close to embarking on a trip that will challenge me both physically and mentally.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond excited for this hike, and I don’t have any negative thoughts about it, but the pre-trail jitters are setting in just a bit. I’m anxious about needing to plan my hike more, I’m anxious about whether or not I have the right gear, I’m anxious about life after the trail…
(Also, though not nearly as important: It hit me that I’m missing my favorite music festival for the first time ever. So if someone following along wants to go to Merlefest and dance to some really incredible bluegrass for me I would love you forever.)
But there is one super positive reality
I get to spend months doing my favorite thing in the world with my favorite person in the world.
While I’m a little anxious about the preparation and post-grad life in general, I have a comforting peace about doing this thru-hike. I know there are going to be challenges, and I know there are going to be times that, quite frankly may suck a little, but I’m choosing to do this for fun! (and other more soulful reasons).
I get to travel in a pretty unconventional way, I get to meet so many new people, and I get to spend a really long time surrounded by really incredible sights.
And to make it even cooler…
I have half a year in the woods to try and figure life out.
Hasta Luego, Friends
Eiryn (…Really, someone should go to Merlefest for me…)
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Comments 1
Nice write-up. I bet you will do just fine! One can already tell. Enjoy.